Correspondents in the city say the raids, one of them in daylight, caused the collapse of sections of the walls around the Bab al-Azizia military complex.
Many trips that start out in daylight will probably become nighttime adventures when people can't find their way.
Always mow in daylight or with sufficient artificial lighting.
Tests showed that the laser works well both in daylight and at night.
The date and time indicates whether the time zone is in daylight saving time or standard time.
The three are all optical satellites, which can capture images in daylight and in clear weather.
Changed: Weapon crosshairs are bolder so you can see them easier in daylight and snow areas better.
Since childhood I've heard it's possible to look up from the bottom of a well and see stars, even in daylight.
Thee woman's father handed himself in and admitted to carrying out the attack on a busy road in daylight, police said.
警方说,该女子父亲投案自首,承认自己光天化日之下在一条繁华的街上杀死了这名“达利特”男子。 。
In daylight, a fragile normality began to return to the city center, with shops again opening and people returning to work.
And if daylight is taken good use for lighting in daylight, large amount of lighting energy consumption will be saved.
However, on closer inspection in daylight he found that the hole was too tidy to have been caused by a genuine impact.
The three lower levels of the building are grouped around two large atria providing orientation and letting in daylight.
Seeing Guatemala City's traffic for the first time in daylight persuaded me it's a place I probably wouldn't want to drive myself around.
He said we would never have any idea what it looked like back there in daylight, and would never realize just what we'd gone through.
The camera is good but only in daylight, in evening or night the picture quality is not that good as you can expect with a 2 mp camera.
You would think they'd want a launch in daylight, clear skies, to have a visual record to compliment telemetry should there be an anomaly.
The interior, comprised of laboratories, classrooms, faculty and administrative offices, includes increased window area to let in daylight.
But the building mass will be broken up into cuboidal modules, each twisted by 45 degrees to create more opportunities to bring in daylight.
The u. s. army air forces believed in daylight bombing with the heavily defended fortress type of bomber as the backbone of the organization .
Along the stairways, the brick has been perforated to bring in daylight and to project an imprint of the circulation on the building's facade.
M: That might be the artificial lighting, madam. Of course, if you could come back in daylight, you might find it's exactly what you are looking for.
He was not against modern instruments on principle. A compass could occasionally be useful in daylight; and, at least in old age, he wore a chunky watch.
Speaking of sensors, we experienced problems with the auto-brightness setting, which would dim the screen too much in low light, while behaving normally in daylight.
In one part of the study, published in the journal Current Biology, two volunteers were left in the Sahara in southern Tunisia in daylight and told to walk straight.
Here skylights cut through the length of the crescent-shaped space at irregular intervals to usher in daylight, and create shifting patterns of natural illumination.
By the time we had gone seven or eight hundred miles up the river, I had learned to be a tolerably plucky up-stream steersman, in daylight, and before we reached st.
By the time we had gone seven or eight hundred miles up the river, I had learned to be a tolerably plucky up-stream steersman, in daylight, and before we reached st.