Don't hesitate to turn to us if you are in difficulty. We are always ready to help.
In difficulty of learning, music lies somewhere in between speaking and writing.
The common feature of countries in difficulty is that they enjoyed credit-fuelled booms.
In agony, happiness will be magnified, whereas in difficulty, the hand lent will be viewed as the glory of humanity.
I sincerely ask you to keep a spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness and to love peace and neighbours in difficulty.
我衷心希望各位秉承和解与宽容的信念,热爱和平以及处于困境中的邻国。 这是我丈夫的心愿。
Countries in difficulty should adopt the "normal policy mix" of reducing budget deficits and improving their competitiveness.
You can create anonymous objects, but you will find yourself in difficulty when you try it and several of them to a single JSON string.
If the Italian, Spanish and Belgium economies are in trouble, that is France's neighbours are in difficulty, then that is bad for France.
Winter may have arrived early this year, but there are even more severe storms ahead for children's services and for children and families in difficulty.
Not only is the latest round of negotiations mired in difficulty, but the World Trade Organisation’s task is child’s play compared with climate change.
A man of character finds a special attractiveness in difficulty, since it is only by coming to grips with difficulty that he can realise his potentialities.
As Dastan defeats one enemy after another in 6th century Persia, it feels like we're watching him climb from one level to the next, with each challenge increasing in difficulty.
The Hungarians talked darkly of a new iron curtain being created, a fear reinforced when a European commissioner admitted days later to plans to rescue euro-area countries in difficulty.
Moreover, he pointed out, the ministry had just announced budget cuts in which 3, 000 special education teachers were being eliminated — and whose jobs were to help students in difficulty.
此外,他指出,教育部刚刚宣布削减预算,其中3000名特殊教育教师被淘汰- - - - - - - -而他们的工作正是帮助困难学生。
But he expects the situation to get even worse over the next few years, with more closures and job losses, as well as temporary lay-offs under a national scheme to help firms in difficulty.
According to Confucius, there were 3 learning methods for acquiring knowledge which were "inborn", "through learning" and "learning in difficulty". In fact, everyone has all the three methods.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your help when I was in difficulty.
They await Dearing's advice, hoping it will not be too late—some are already reported to be in financial difficulty.
Just like when you were reviewing, put away the problems you're having difficulty in and come back to them later.
The result will be still further raising of the legal age for going into employment, and still further difficulty in finding employment when that age has been attained.
Nevertheless one is forced to recognize that in times of financial difficulty the university has a duty to decide where money can be saved.
So Lavie did another experiment, designed to look at this ability to concentrate better in the face of increased difficulty.
Many students have difficulty in delivering a speech in public, but they can overcome it through training.
Memory loss, difficulty in performing familiar tasks, and problems with abstract thinking are all indicators of the beginning of the disease.
Hugging "is a marker of intimacy and helps generate the feeling that others are there to help in the face of difficulty."
Periodically review their emerging strengths and weaknesses with kids and work together on any shortcomings, like difficulty in communicating well or collaborating.
The difficulty of a problem was defined in terms of how long it took to complete.
Its difficulty lies in Milton's tendency in this poem to seek out what Dr. Johnson wonderfully calls remote allusions.
Its difficulty lies in Milton's tendency in this poem to seek out what Dr. Johnson wonderfully calls remote allusions.