The humanity also in diligently lets the nature accept this hand, hoped this is not too late, also hopes humanity's actions could faster.
We unremitting efforts have won in diligently the customer and the line public figure's widespread approval, product best-selling everywhere, deeply user community high praise.
In contrast, when we are diligently focused, our attention tends to be towards the details of the problems we are trying to solve.
In short, we must work diligently to make the world a better place for coming generations.
In nonparody form, this design methodology diligently tries to discover everything interesting before coding starts.
While most users diligently attempt to keep their staging and production environments in sync, inevitably a change is introduced that ultimately goes unnoticed.
Secondly, most of them have saved diligently and their savings, while very small, might be enough for them to weather this downturn – if nobody in the family falls sick and needs medical treatment.
In the past year, I, just like others who love this game, diligently go to work on a crowded bus, diligently consume all kinds of food with no concern of whatever unknown chemicals (they may contain).
We will be working diligently to make your stays much more enjoyable in the future.
In allowing Banks to do more of their own risk assessment under IRB, the Basel rules rely on national regulators to ensure that Banks are up to the job and are doing it diligently.
There's nothing wrong with wanting more, and there's nothing wrong with reaching for nicer things in life if you've diligently planned and saved.
Set realistic, achievable career goals for yourself. Work diligently with the end in mind.
I studied the briefing book diligently and participated in several mock-debate sessions.
In a statement it told the BBC the company is working diligently to ensure that support programmes meet the rapidly changing needs of its employees.
It has operations in several East Asian countries, where it diligently searches for cheap, reliable suppliers of everything from handbags to bar stools.
But, when he was in Rome, he sought me out very diligently, and found me.
But, when he was in Rome, he sought me out very diligently, and found [me].
We are wired for romance in part because we are supposed to be loving parents who care diligently for our helpless babies.
In the long march of seeking truth, but the study, keep learning, diligently study, creative learning, to the mountains, across the mountains.
Every attended the sales staff in such activities, were all returned to work more diligently.
It works diligently to make these words and thoughts a reality in the life of the person saying or thinking them.
For many years in company all staff common diligently under, company and many success well-known enterprise cooperation, product deeply high praise.
Or perhaps you've diligently labelled all the cupboards in the lab to make it easier to find things.
If we want to fall in love with our lives—and by this I don't mean the "we" of our small-minded egos—we must work diligently to manifest our larger selves in our daily lives.
This is the modern young singer, particularly the popular singers in the direction diligently, want to do diligently are the versatile singer.
The 1.4 billion people in South Asia living on an area of 4.8 million square kilometers are working diligently to create civilizations in the new century.
In performing your work diligently, you are likely to keep a steady pace when it comes to fulfilling your set targets.
In setting out her hall of mirrors, Ms Riall has diligently mined obscure relics, cartoons, pamphlets, letters, novels and newspapers.
They attained success, not because it was easy, but because they had the will to overcome profound obstacles and to work diligently in the pursuit of their goals.
They attained success, not because it was easy, but because they had the will to overcome profound obstacles and to work diligently in the pursuit of their goals.