Other old tabloid hands have also ended up in Downing Street.
Brown announced he was resigning to reporters in Downing Street.
There is private fury with Legg in Downing Street for rewriting the rules.
What breathed life into the story was the birth of a boy who lived in Downing Street.
Theresa May has confirmed that Larry will be staying in Downing Street now she is Prime Minister.
The brawl saw Larry sustain an injured paw but after licking his wounds he was soon back on the prowl in Downing Street.
Perhaps he will sleep better in a bed other than the one he has been occupying for the past three years in Downing Street.
Netanyahu met Gordon Brown today in Downing Street, where the two discussed both settlements and the Iranian nuclear programme.
The prime minister's official spokesman said there is a "pro-cat faction" in Downing Street, and staff are considering what to do about the problem.
The Fifa delegation will meet Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg in Downing Street before touring Wembley Stadium with England manager Fabio Capello.
The former prime minister admitted, for the first time, that he was not aware of all the British security services activities' during his time in Downing Street.
Thus the perpetual economic “summits” in Downing Street, and Gordon Brown’s progress through the regions this week, with his cabinet in tow like the retinue of a Tudor monarch.
Thus the perpetual economic "summits" in Downing Street, and Gordon Brown's progress through the regions this week, with his cabinet in tow like the retinue of a Tudor monarch.
Campbell, a teetotaller, also discloses in today's extracts that the pressure of working in Downing Street became so great that he started drinking again around the turn of the millennium.
Within the past time, Mr. Cameron was driven from Buckingham Palace to the Prime Minister's official residence in Downing Street, where he made this announcement to the waiting crowd.
His wartime job as a British diplomat in America won him Winston Churchill's admiration-though Churchill, intending to invite Berlin to lunch in Downing Street, ended up with Irving Berlin by mistake.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown, his wife Sarah and their two sons live in the bigger flat at Number 11 Downing Street, traditionally the home of the Chancellor.
Our meeting in a London pub is squeezed between a visit to Turkey, talks at Downing Street and a flight to Mumbai.
Because Britain is so much the junior partner, neither Mr Blair's new weakness nor his possible ejection from Downing Street will have an immediate impact on America's behaviour in the world.
They will put him on a collision course with the international scientific community and Downing Street - which has allowed 54 GM crop trials in Britain since 2000.
The Minister for Women and Equality did not attend the hearing and was instead in a Cabinet meeting at Downing Street.
Recruited to deal with a rodent problem - black rats have been seen bolting across the Downing Street lawn - Larry has preferred hanging out in the corridors of power to stalking in the grass.
But it was the suntanned man sitting in the row behind his Downing Street successor whose presence excited most comment, and who perhaps felt the archbishop's words most keenly.
The prime minister's comments came in a podcast, released on the 10 Downing Street website and YouTube, on the 80th anniversary of the Wall Street crash.
Downing Street is quietly confident that senior British bankers will soon come out in support of measures to build such a fund.
She will host Downing Street receptions, probably wear clothes by young British designers and be involved in charity fundraising.
Fruits and vegetables are being grown for the first time in the back garden of Downing Street No.10 where important press conferences were once held.
Fruits and vegetables are being grown for the first time in the back garden of Downing Street No.10 where important press conferences were once held.