Yet, in EU countries, 30% of motorised trips are shorter than 2 km and 50% are shorter than 5 km.
Sales of personal music players have soared in EU countries in recent years, particularly of MP3 players.
There's a ban on landfill in EU countries, so instead of paying the fine they send it to us as a service.
As well as those chronic problems, the EU faces an acute crisis in its economic core, the 16 countries that use the single currency.
As an EU-funded effort, the search for salt-tolerant varieties of rice is taking place in all three countries.
The strong economic growth expected in countries which are candidates for entry to the EU will also increase transport flows, in particular road haulage traffic.
In fact, not only China but also a lot of other countries oppose the action of the EU.
But in an increasingly multispeed Europe, it would rule out nominees from more than half the EU countries.
In any case EU positions are often undermined by individual countries pursuing their own interests, opening the way for Russia to play divide-and-rule, especially over energy.
Ironically, such a scheme would have to include Britain and Sweden, two countries that are outside the euro zone but have lots of banking interests in other eu countries.
Greece is dependent on billions of dollars in loans from the International Monetary Fund and EU countries.
Few in the EU any longer see membership for any of these countries as a strategic goal.
Yet even if the other 25 countries in the EU are ready to go along with this, France faces a huge obstacle.
Much of the debate falls on two central questions (hurdles) : How much money should rich developed countries like those in the EU and the U.S. contribute to help pay for reduced emissions?
BRICS countries are able to do better than EU in terms of coordination.
Estonia in 2004 was in the initial wave of eastern European countries to join the EU, seeking a western anchor as an insurance policy against Russia.
British diplomats fear the 17 euro members could seek an agreement on new rules between themselves, in effect excluding other eu countries.
None of the ten "eastern" countries that joined the EU is in so bad a mess.
The merits of monetary flexibility versus exchange-rate stability have to be weighed up by the 11 eu countries that are not (yet) in the euro.
But from 2013 the EU plans to accept such certificates only from new projects in very poor countries.
If it had a choice, France would keep the commission firmly in its place and run the show with Germany as a sort of European G2, but enlargement of the EU to 27 countries got in the way.
The two countries agreed that no documents used in EU negotiations would prejudge the outcome of the dispute, which they will settle through international arbitration.
One diplomat notes that EU enlargement is not in good shape: many countries want to halt the process after Croatia (and perhaps Iceland).
Two-thirds of the world's mink farming and 70% of its fox farming takes place in other EU countries.
Poland supports this, in return for Hungarian backing for more EU aid to countries such as Georgia, Moldova and Belarus.
Poland supports this, in return for Hungarian backing for more EU aid to countries such as Georgia, Moldova and Belarus.