The town sits smack in the middle of a USDA food desert stretching miles in every direction.
无论从哪个方向来看,该镇都恰好坐落于USDA 所定义的食品沙漠范围之内。
Though our own world was seemingly self-contained, it impacted on the white world of Piedmont in almost every direction.
And though our own world was seemingly self-contained, it impacted on the white world of Piedmont in almost every direction.
I make a 3D image of the things around me for hundreds of feet in every direction.
In every direction we could see the tiered profiles of one volcano after another, looming from the misty horizon.
Our minds become a constant deluge of thoughts dwelling in the past, worries of the future, distractions pulling us in every direction.
It records a scene in real time using 360-degree photography and immersive video - allowing for recording of every direction at the same time.
With planets clashing with one another in every direction, everyone will have a different idea of what needs to be done, as well as how best to accomplish the task at hand.
Up until recently, capturing all of the light traveling in every direction in a particular scene required hundreds of cameras tied to a series of computers.
Time and again, the same glaciers have shrunk drastically in every direction, often losing hundreds of feet in height.
In a sign of just how volatile the markets are, the dow has reversed direction every day, closing up one day, then down the next, for the past seven sessions.
I'm told that when the firemen broke down the front door a sea of rodents flooded out into the yard, fleeing in every direction.
We may find out that the dark energy vanishes in a puff of logic when we rid our mathematics of certain assumptions – such as the assumption that the universe is the same in every direction.
当我们排除我们在数学上的某些假设——诸如:假设宇宙在任意一个方向上都是相同的,我们会发现:暗能量在逻辑上成为泡影(“vanishes in apuffof logic”亦译:按逻辑的喷团消失——译者)。
The integration of the environment makes hotel rooms in every direction are very good To and use of the environment.
Perhaps the way its body spreads out like limbs in every direction, too, is a way of dividing up the large plot and making the outer surface of the building as large as possible.
Forget those hidden in the dream of every sad, after you meet you is how to find the direction of the wind and waves.
They were all waving and twiddling their wands in unison, and squares of colored paper were flying in every direction like little pink kites.
Immediately on his return, he made a practice of spreading thoughts of good will in every direction throughout his kingdom and to the neighboring kingdoms as well.
You see a Congress twisted and pulled in every direction by hundreds of well-financed and powerful special interests.
So space, direction, time, will, choice, control - you understand, Sir. Now, all that has importance in my living, in the daily living of my life, of every human being.
The same knots of bamboo can be added in every direction, which creates the same knot on every connection and stabilizes the whole system.
Like every other aspect of the game the artistic direction grows organically, we try stuff and things that work pull us in their direction and things that don't are changed.
Like every other aspect of the game the artistic direction grows organically, we try stuff and things that work pull us in their direction and things that don't are changed.