He always likes to try in every way possible to make his jeep become more beautiful.
For seven years now, LeBron James has been compared to Michael Jordan in every way possible, on and off the court.
I will work with Bob Dudley over the coming months to effect a smooth transition and support him in every way possible.
This program exceeded my expectations in every way possible, and I would strongly recommend this program to anyone.
在各个方面这次的项目都超出了我的预期。 因此,我要强烈向别人推荐这个项目。
I wish him well, and I stand ready to support him, and interim Non-Executive Chairman Kent Kresa, in every way possible.
It is known to be true that the greatest waste caused in mud is by pollution. Therefore it is necessary to overcome it in every way possible.
That means putting your ego to the side and "truly understanding what you can learn from it, about yourself, and your business, in every way possible," she adds.
I'm going to have really dumb users, who manage to find every possible way to break my application, by doing things out of order, in ridiculous ways, and without any thought at all.
We should find every possible way to reach out, so why shouldn't we use the same tool in that young people use to communicate?
Make sure your due diligence package is all set in every possible way by the time you sign the binding Letter of Intent so that that can't be an excuse for any company to back out.
They tried every way possible to reestablish the refugees uprooted by flood in new homes.
Dixie tried lifting and pushing the wheelchair out of that cigar-box elevator in every possible way.
Eli and I conspired to ruin their date in every possible way, not just smearing snot all over the seat covers of his elegant Mustang.
They try to block every possible way that harmful bacteria might get on fresh food from stray animals leaving droppings in fields to farm workers not washing their hands.
Perhaps the way its body spreads out like limbs in every direction, too, is a way of dividing up the large plot and making the outer surface of the building as large as possible.
With everything stuffed into every possible storage space in whatever way it could fit, we often left it exposed for baby exploring.
This city I got some good friends, not so many, but a few, they always helped me in every possible way, I am really thankful all of them, and pray that God bless them always.
According to different characteristics of digital products developed different cleaning cloth, so that your products are more beloved in every possible way of protection.
Mother of my father's love in every possible way, I deeply appreciate the warmth of home.
Every baby into the world, are subject to the love of parents in every possible way.
Grandma is a very kindly for the elderly, care for my life in every possible way.
More often than not, only in the process of trying every possible way to seek and entrust meaningness to life does man grow up.
The group is united and this helps us meet every commitment in the best possible way.
Economy of effort in every way, he preached, the sharpest self-control, the fewest strokes possible to express a fact, the least slapping about of purposeless paint.
Try to concentrate onthe present and future to make your life better in every possible way.
Try to concentrate onthe present and future to make your life better in every possible way.