The child's black eyes were sparkling in expectation of all the things to come.
People select news in expectation of a reward.
They closed the Windows in expectation of rain.
He writes "Mengzi Ziyi Shuzheng" in expectation of rebuilding study of Mencius.
I hope that the people will understand that I act not in anger, but in expectation of a greater good.
One, such as an investor, that sells securities or commodities in expectation of falling prices.
Shares in the Kenya Power and Lighting Company have risen this year in expectation of more demand.
He believes the stock market could rally in expectation of a hefty rise in corporate earnings next year.
This thesis is in expectation of making contribution to the theory and practice of the native credit card consumer protecting.
Worship of sacred weapons as all-mighty power manifests commoners' limit of the times, tradition as well as their restriction in expectation of advanced weapons.
And short interest, shares held by short sellers in expectation of a decline, rose to 5.7 million shares at the end of April from 4 million shares two months earlier.
With increasingly expensive property prices, selling their property may not be a wise decision, so they just live together apart in expectation of a rise in their property's value.
Born and brought up in a Polish noble family, Joseph Conrad has been regarded as an example to those who try to identify themselves with an alien culture in expectation of acceptance.
Funds that do have surplus cash are holding it in expectation of redemptions from spooked clients, or redeploying it in America where a correct bet on a restructuring opportunity can make a career.
Seventy-four percent of the respondents surveyed report a "good to excellent" expectation of real-estate profitability in 2015.
Anne left Britain in expectation of seeing her family again before very long.
They even offered him plenty of money with little expectation in return.
The beauties of the West Lake in spring were beyond his expectation.
We are in momentary expectation of the arrival of you.
In short, the problem with a normative expectation of privacy is that it changes with perceived threats, technology and large-scale abuses.
Fulfils the expectation of the consumer in regard to composition.
New York's scheme emphasises taking risks, with the expectation of the high failure-rate typical in a venture-capital fund.
Dress for your own benefit; don't dress in the expectation of pleasing others and receiving complements.
Rice buyers immediately started buying up available stocks, hoarding whatever rice they could get in the expectation of future price increases, and bidding up the price for future crops.
大米采购者们立即开始囤积库存, 来缓冲未来他们所需种类大米价格的上涨预期,并标起大米期货价格.
Professor Reiss, of Stanford University in California, said: "Women appeared to have less expectation of a reward, which in this case was the punchline of the cartoon.
加州斯坦福大学的赖斯教授说:“女性对于回报的期待似乎更低,这在试 验中相当于卡通画的笑点。
And traceability is possible when an expectation (or expectation result) traces out of one other expectation, which in turn traces out of another expectation, and so on, as shown in Figure 5.
Or traceability is possible when an expectation (or expectation result) traces out of more than one other expectation, as shown in Figure 6.
But in some circumstances the increase in the current price leads to an even higher expectation of future price increases, resulting in a bubble.
But in some circumstances the increase in the current price leads to an even higher expectation of future price increases, resulting in a bubble.