“Bluetooth is in full retreat, ” declared Sean Maloney, an Intel executive, in 2001.
With the arrival of the Touaregs in the Bani Walid, NATO and rebels are in full retreat.
Next day the Germans were in full retreat and hotly pursued on the whole of the Eighth Army front.
I began at 16,000ft on the snows of Mount Cayambe in Ecuador where the glaciers are in full retreat, and ended in the oilfields of the Amazon.
Next moment we were both groping downstairs, leaving the candle by the empty chest; and the next we had opened the door and were in full retreat.
"A balance of clean lines and natural materials, this modest retreat is a welcome sanctuary for just two or the full family," said MW Works Architecture + Design, a small Seattle firm founded in 2007.
"A balance of clean lines and natural materials, this modest retreat is a welcome sanctuary for just two or the full family," said MW Works Architecture + Design, a small Seattle firm founded in 2007.