In order to attract more viewers to the program and to avoid losing any further advertising revenues, we should restore the time devoted to weather and local news to its former level.
Further debate would have to look at the particular film in more detail: for example, what exactly does this female character do and say?
He suspects that further sampling in Europe may uncover yet more cryptic types of worms, species that look identical but are indeed separate on a genetic level.
Green architecture in cities, including green roofs and more highly reflective construction materials, would further contribute to a slowing of warming rates.
This editing capability can be used in a typical "search-within-result" -like facility whereby a query predicate is further refined in successive steps by adding more restrictions.
This trend, combined with investor assumptions that oil prices will remain high, have helped boost prices further, which has in turn fed more investor speculation in the market.
The more debris that is in orbit, the greater the chance of collisions that create more pieces of junk, which further increases the chance of still more collisions.
This leads to a further reduction in temperature, creating more ice and possibly a runaway, 'snowball earth' scenario.
That, in turn, merely drove down prices further, leading to more credit rationing, bankruptcies, and bank failures.
To make a further reduction in childhood diseases and deaths, emergency care must reach more neonates and children suffering from acute respiratory infections.
A general decline in demand will causebusinesses to shed jobs, creating further falls in demand and more baddebts.
With Italian yields jumping sharply, further margin increases could be on their way, prompting further rises in yields and yet more margin increases.
It is of course possible that more genes will turn up in further studies that might close the gap.
Her study, backed by further research in Britain, found that women were more likely to become addicts.
Mastering Grails: Read more in this series to gain a further understanding of Grails and all you can do with it.
Another reason profiting from games has become more complicated is due to advances in technology, which creates further change.
To aid you further in your projects, see the Resources below for links to even more in-depth information on the technologies we have surveyed here.
We could decompose a complex system into collaborating parts to further simplify the modeling and development processes that could result in more reuse.
The disclosure of fire-sale prices could force them to slash carrying values on their own books. This in turn would spur more selling, driving prices further down in a vicious cycle.
But the big gap between the cost of building a smart-phone and its price in the shops should widen further as ever more previously discrete components are packed on to a single main microchip.
Think of how much more frequently and confidently developers could check in their code -- thus further enhancing overall team efficiency.
想想开发人员会多频繁且多有信心地检入他们的代码 ——从而进一步提高了整个团队的效率。
The initial increase in deposits could be multiplied several times as banks find themselves with excess reserves, which they lend in successive rounds, producing yet more deposits and further loans.
"There is more room for further growth in Asia down the line because Asians' per capita consumption is relatively small," the Kirin report said.
Inevitably, more flexibility, ongoing further education and a rapid shift in decision makers' thinking patterns will be called for.
An increase in productivity growth, a more recent trend, has given German competitiveness a further boost.
In addition, it will remain more tentative toward acquisitions, in the belief that valuations of potential targets will be lowered even further in the months to come.
We have some more aerodynamic improvements to do in Malaysia, which hopefully will further improve performance.
To save even more space in memory, most video software subjects syntax elements to a further round of data compression.
To save even more space in memory, most video software subjects syntax elements to a further round of data compression.