Generally speaking, in a high-context culture, people lean towards heavier sensory involvement or closeness to people.
Generally speaking, it's no use talking to a person when he's in a temper.
Generally speaking, those who are most cautious about geo-engineering are the scientists involved in the research.
Generally speaking, excellent learners have some good habits in common.
Generally speaking, if you have a file open in the editor, the other views reflect different aspects of that file.
Generally speaking, this means that an already reported hole remains in the outstanding window, but new data is being SACKed at the more recent end of the window.
One great feature of the site is that answers come in fairly quickly and, generally speaking, most questions have multiple answers within an hour.
Your application design will probably suggest the most appropriate split, but generally speaking, if something is considered a single energy-using entity in your system, give it a profile to itself.
The beat's very important in music and generally speaking, in music, we divide the beat.
Generally speaking, the behavior of the application is affected by variations in the data input to the different test scripts that compose the test suite.
Generally speaking, compensation is the means of reversing the effects of a service invocation in case of a later failure.
But generally speaking, the weak link in a recommendation engine isn't the software; it's us.
Generally speaking, enterprise level governance establishes the rules and the manner in which an enterprise conducts its business.
Generally speaking, different functional nodes in a HA hierarchy require different HA designs.
Generally speaking, high Protein flour is used as a base with medium and low protein floul mixed in appropriate amounts.
Social optimists, of course, are in the happy position of expecting to be accepted and finding that, generally speaking, they are.
Generally speaking, the educational resources in urban areas are much better.
Generally speaking, the more oil in a tyre, the softer it will be.
Generally speaking, h ierarchical databases arose in the 1960s, on the mainframe data processing technology of the time.
一般而言,层次数据库兴起于 60年代,用在当时的大型机数据处理技术方面。
Notice that now in a class definition, keyword arguments are allowed after the list of base classes—generally speaking, class Foo(*bases, **kwds): pass.
请注意,现在,在类定义中,关键字参数被允许出现在基类列表之后 —通常来讲,即class Foo(*bases, **kwds): pass。
Generally speaking, one feature cannot be used to address shortfalls or problems in database design related to another feature. Notable examples include.
In XHTML, elements are identified by id and not by Name. So generally speaking, you're better off relying on the id property.
Generally speaking, customers are always running their business process in a clustered environment of WebSphere process Server. A clustered environment provides the following benefits.
Generally speaking, the Eclipse workspace serves the same purpose as a Visual Studio solution: It organizes top-level projects, folders, and files in a hierarchical structure.
Generally speaking, different memory management mechanisms have their advantages and disadvantages, so you may not wish to assume a particular mechanism in advance.
Generally speaking, charities that follow best practices in governance, donor relations and related areas are less likely to engage in unethical or irresponsible activities.
Generally speaking, charities that follow best practices in governance, donor relations and related areas are less likely to engage in unethical or irresponsible activities.