An even harder situation is to be on the platform in good time for a train and still to see it go off without you.
It was published by Bilton and Scaggs in September 1655, in good time for the Christmas trade, Another master stroke of publishing genius, because Oliver Cromwell's Puritan Parlia?
They generally tend to share very similar tastes in music and clothes, they spend their money in having a good time, and save for holidays or longer-term plans when necessary.
Reflecting on our failures is generally good, but when it takes too much time, it is dangerous, for it will shake the confidence in ourselves.
In fact, scientists had been thinking for a long time that African cichlids might have a good memory.
With the current Lakers squad poised for a shakeup and a lockout looming in the NBA, Jackson chose a good time to move on.
The trail is also well marked out and in good condition; it only takes 90 minutes to hike but you may want to allow more time for lunch and lingering.
HIIT. Short for High-Intensity Interval Training, HIIT is all the rage in many exercise circles, because of studies showing that it's good for fat-burning and you can get a good workout in less time.
It also has critical implications for those in the business of soliciting peoples' good will, money or time.
In the longer term faster growth in poorer countries' demand is bound to be good for the advanced economies, but it will take time.
"September comes up as a really good time for people in France to go and try for a promotion, besides January, which is also a good month, " she added.
In general, a good benchmark for seeing how useful gprof will be in helping you optimize your application is to run it under the time command.
"The more SINS purged in one's lifetime (through penitence, good works, etc.) the less time needed in purgatory — for either oneself or one's family," she said.
"September comes up as a really good time for people in France to go and try for a promotion, besides January, which is also a good month," she added。
Being aware of your surroundings all the time is a good idea not just for the memory training, but for your participation in life.
No, no, let me shift for myself; and, perhaps, if I have very good luck, I may meet with another Mr. Collins in time.
We took more time to set up good safety measures for the most dangerous rapids. And in a few instances, that extra time made all the difference in the world.
Some argue that spec work is good for novice designers with little experience, but you can lose time and work by participating in crowd-sourcing contests.
How have you turned your time gaps into good karma opportunities for making a difference in the world?
Take some time to write a good title for the plug-in as well as a good description.
While he came in depressed, he had such a good time during his stay that when he was later re-admitted to the hospital, he specifically asked for a room in pediatrics.
Investor manias are profitable for those who cash in their gains in good time.
As challenging as it is for anyone to find a good job in this economy, it can be even harder for people out of work a long time.
Tutor a classmate who's having trouble, help clean up your neighborhood, participate in a walkathon for a good cause, or volunteer your time in some other way.
Those people born in the 80s and 90s grew up in a good environment, but at the same time experience loneliness, for them the notion of having brothers and sisters are of the past.
As I said in the opening paragraphs, the next time you're stuck in a design rut and can't choose a good background for your site, come back to this post and try some of the ideas I've laid out here.
Among people with professional and even doctoral [degrees], in general the job market has been very good for a very long time, including recently.
Among people with professional and even doctoral [degrees], in general the job market has been very good for a very long time, including recently.