The remainder of arsenic and tin in large amount have increased the sensitivity to the. embrittlement.
Both the job giving her since not having a fingerprint, and life bring about in large amount unexpected bothering.
Withdrawal in large amount should be handled in accordance with the related regulations of the People's Bank of China.
The results showed that the Oenanthe javanica could reduce P, N, COD value in large amount. It could obvious improve quality of wastewater.
Because of length limit, the single tubular bus requires welding several tubular buses during construction, resulting in large amount of welding load.
Traditional methods for getting the topology of networks is to update information regularly, but this will result in large amount of network overhead.
The influence on the VFC of the juice by UHT is: the alcohols reducing, the ketone producing and increasing, the ester aroma increasing in large amount.
Applying more nitrogen would increase the content of soil microbial biomass nitrogen, but might result in large amount of nitrate residue in soil and suspected to leaching loss.
The objective aspect of Professional Embezzlement is that someone illegally possesses the properties of the company, enterprise or other unit, in large amount, taking advantage of ones duty.
When mineral resources compensation fees and taxes are levied according to the actual sales income of mineral products, the assets and taxes of state-owned mineral resources are lost in large amount.
For example, trained observers obtain a very large amount of information about a star mainly from the accurate analysis of the simple lines that appear in a spectrum.
The large amount of methane contained in the atmosphere surrounding Neptune stained it blue.
It's difficult to buy anything in a supermarket, other than plain, unprepared meat, fish or vegetables, which doesn't have a large amount of sugar in it.
I'd prefer to pay regularly in small amounts, rather than have a large amount to pay in one go.
It successfully caught and collected a large amount of plastic rubbish floating in the ocean.
In the Tang Dynasty, the paper cutting industry was highly developed and a large amount of high-quality paper was made as presents to the Court.
Scientists find in its body the shark has a large amount of albuminoid collagenous fiber.
Since there is a considerable amount of control and synchronization required, in addition to a large amount of data being transferred, this makes a huge difference.
By removing whales, sharks and large fish, we've reduced the amount of carbon stored in these populations.
Strings and character arrays occupy a large amount of space in a typical business application, so they are another area worthy of analysis.
Large tracts of unused compute power and capacity that carry costs associated with the large amount of space consumed by the hardware in large, expensive data centers.
In this approach, a large amount of the application code is generated directly on top of the application framework and requires no modification by the developer.
You can keep a large amount of data in a compact area that is much smaller than what you would normally need.
Limited bandwidths can also hamper translated text that results in an unusually large amount of visual text.
An unusually high amount of savings comes from large companies in China's corporate sector.
A more important concern, in turn, is that the large amount of traffic exposes Ajax applications to Web services vulnerabilities.
That means the gene has the ability to transform even large populations in a short amount of time, Crisanti says.
Instead, career experts say you should do major research on whether a different city has a large amount of jobs in your specific area of expertise.
Change in test data: a large amount of test data (or unusual data) may be stressing the code and causing bottlenecks.
Change in test data: a large amount of test data (or unusual data) may be stressing the code and causing bottlenecks.