Officials say the laws are in line with European norms and that critics should wait for their implementation before sniping.
The export dealer shall be responsible for the authenticity of the submitted materials, and ensure that their business activities are in line with the state laws and regulations.
The joint ventures shall, in line with (more formal) related provisions of Chinese laws, commission accountants registered in China to audit and check their financial accounts.
In the absence of any specific provisions of relevant laws and regulations, consumers shall have the right to claim compensations from the business operators in line with rules of the trade.
Do establish management mechanism for working hours in line with applicable laws and national standards, and reasonably arrange employee's working and rest schedule.
But once the economy slips out of the reasonable range, we will definitely take overarching measures in line with the laws of the economy.
A spokeswoman from the State Administration of Work Safety said an investigation is continuing and that those responsible will be 'punished in line with the relevant laws.
Instead of using administrative means to avoid scientific decision-making, decision making should meet the objective laws in line with public opinion.
Strengthening the competitive process must be made the work flow in line with the laws of engineering knowledge formation.
Article 5 the FFEs may decide by themselves the time, conditions and ways of the employment and the number of personnel they employ in line with relevant State laws and administrative regulations.
We hereby agree to operate our business strictly in line with the relevant laws and regulations in the future and undertake not to commit any infringement of the rights of Nokia.
Maritime disputes should be resolved though direct negotiations on the basis of respecting historical facts and in line with international laws, he added.
Maritime disputes should be resolved though direct negotiations on the basis of respecting historical facts and in line with international laws, he added.