If using the ICUMSA tables, he or she would report in mass fraction.
This planet has three suns, with the main star similar in mass to our own sun.
Now my lack of fighting spirit sees me accused of complicity in mass death.
After 1970, only credit card applications could be sent unsolicited in mass mailings.
For some of these diseases, we have powerful and safe medicines for use in mass prevention campaigns.
The cost of the cleanup was estimated at $10 billion, not including the investment in mass transit.
The "beats" are caused by small physical differences in mass that lead to those telltale interference effects.
We should intensify our efforts to establish Party organizations in mass organizations and intermediaries.
Samsung's S5L2010 media processor is sampling now and will be in mass production in the first quarter of 2009.
Note that the accuracy and exception handling might not be identical in MASS functions and system library functions.
For platform as a Service (PaaS), the shift is from the paradigm of platform as an asset, where licenses are purchased in mass quantities.
对于PlatformasaService (PaaS),转变来自“平台即资产”范式,该范式的特征是大量采购许可。
Today, he is still teaching thousands of children daily in mass events at schools and stadiums. Many know he is a largely unrepentant wife-beater.
The parts used in mass production are often manufactured elsewhere and then put together on a moving production facility known as an assembly line.
The WHO experts being sent include specialists in mass casualty management, coordination of emergency health response and the management of dead bodies.
HD 189733b is a hot Jupiter - a planet similar in mass to Jupiter in our Solar System, but one that orbits much closer to its star, and so is much hotter.
HD 189733b是一个炽热的木星——一颗和太阳系中的木星极为相似的行星,但是它绕行的轨道更接近与它的恒星,因此比木星更为炎热。
I wrap this rope around here several times, and here I hang an object m which is substantially less in mass, m which is m, little m, mg and the tension equals mg.
The Committee further noted that if the vaccine is being used in mass campaigns, it would be especially important for smallpox immunization programmes to be supported by adverse event monitoring.
That's still a bit much for newspaper use, of course, so it looks like they want us to hold out until 2007 on this one, when they suppose it'll be a little more affordable in mass market pricing.
This was because the 5, 700m-high glacier was located on a higher altitude, which meant that losses in mass from melting could be compensated at least partly by collection of snowfall, Fujita said.
In the mass production era, multinational firms tended to centralize their operations.
In order to make a nuclear explosion, the critical mass must come together within a fraction of a millionth of a second.
The amount of "intergalactic rainfall" into some of these galaxies has been enough to double their mass in the time since they formed.
In Mexico in 1944, many experts warned of mass starvation in developing nations where populations were expanding faster than crop production.
These galaxies may constitute an answer to the long-standing puzzle of the missing baryonic mass in the universe.
These galaxies may constitute an answer to the long-standing puzzle of the missing baryonic mass in the universe.