I think we underemphasize the prevalence of certain normal errors inherent in medical practice.
Whoever illegally engages in medical practice without obtaining the qualification for medical practice.
Recognition of risk factors can provide better prevention and cure method for patients in medical practice.
With changes in medical practice, hospital stays tend be shorter, and patients are discharged to home sooner.
Those who have not been registered and obtained the practicing certificate shall not engage in medical practice.
As the high risk, uncertainty and information asymmetry in medical practice, health care providers are experiencing more stress.
Tracking patients' allergies has become high art in medical practice now - we have great, expensive computer systems to keep them straight.
With changes in medical model and appearance of humanistic care, verbal actions in medical practice have begun to take on new features.
ObjectiveTo investigate the meaning and method of strengthening medical college students education of science of law in medical practice education.
It is necessary in medical practice and theory research to study doctors moral sensibilities and cultivate doctors' healthy and active sensibilities.
Normative ethics can guide the doctors and the nurses to do a right behavior in medical practice effectively, but at the same time it has some limitation.
In medical Settings, active, direct and vivid language can make the humanistic care in medical practice and the humanistic nature of medicine deeply felt.
As contrast to traditional medicine, its major developing feature in medical practice is the increasing of dependence upon machine-tech while decreasing upon man-tech.
Medical Students feeling good ethics training, ethics is inseparable from learning theory, actively participate in medical practice and self - "introspection" and other major channels.
The general human viewpoint in the humanism psychology theory is of instructive significance in medical practice, and it can be used in the treatment and rehabilitation of the patients.
Some industry members contend that having 50 different sets of rules, licensing fees and even definitions of "medical practice" makes less sense in the era of telemedicine and is hampering its growth.
What you must understand is that those supplements, especially in some Eastern cultures, are part of a medical practice tradition.
In certain regions of the world, use of injections has completely overtaken the real need, reaching proportions no longer based on rational medical practice.
The existing medical internship and in-service training model for general practice were systematically adopted as tools for retaining physicians.
The stated primary goal of most medical education in those regions should be to prepare doctors for assisting the underserved, typically in local rural and public-sector practice.
The study confirms a controversial practice that these cities have followed for years in which they tell bystanders to perform chest compressions only to buy time until trained medical crews arrive.
The Supreme Court rejected that, believing it would constitute "a radical shift of authority from states to the federal government to define general standards of medical practice in every locality."
In 1968 an army medical team began applying acupuncture, the ancient Chinese medical practice of stimulating certain nerve points with needles, to the cure of deafness.
Conclusion the exploration and practice of teaching methods in medical microbiology for foreign students will improve the education level for them.
In addition, local health officials detected 9,929 cases of irregular and illegal medical practice. Officials closed 2,493 underground medical clinics and withdrew the licenses of three hospitals.
Thirdly, technical norms and service standards should be established and medical practice standardized, in order to ensure the quality of medical service.
By the early 1940s, a commercial product, penicillin, was mass-produced to cure bacterial infections in humans, and medical practice hasn't been the same since.
The ability to interpret and synthesize medical information, and present this data in a reasoned and rational manner, is certainly a skill that is required for effective medical practice.
The ability to interpret and synthesize medical information, and present this data in a reasoned and rational manner, is certainly a skill that is required for effective medical practice.