In other words, organic matter gets broken down and added into the soil more quickly in these gaps than in the surrounding forest.
In this way, his students learned more than seven hundred words.
In other words, there is always something more important than money, such as love.
This was followed by more books of poetry which fascinated and baffled his readers because Thomas was more interested in the sound and association of words than in their precise meaning.
Say it in sand: There's nothing more romantic at the beach than to write your names in hearts in the sand or the words I love you.
In other words, the intermolecular interactions between like molecules are more favorable than the interactions between the unlike molecules, in that case.
In other words, he harms more people than he helps.
"In other words, after they make the choice, they will like the chosen option more than before the choice," Lee explains.
Georgiou points out that English is an orthographically inconsistent language; in other words, letters can have more than one sound each.
In other words, there has to be some value of more than one pigeons per pigeonhole.
In other words, you're more likely to be friends with popular people than with loners.
Private enterprise, in other words, delivers more equality than the supposedly egalitarian world of academia does.
In other words, investors who bought stocks more than a decade ago have no capital gains to show for it, only dividends (and yields have been low throughout).
You can also spread yourself too thin by getting more referrals than you can manage — in other words, too much of a good thing.
In other words, the Koreans are not only working more hours than the Spanish, they're also improving their productivity on the job more quickly as well.
The boring project manager, in other words, meant more to the success or failure of the project than did the flashy designer.
In other words, the world you see is nothing more than a bundle of your perceptions and beliefs.
Speaking also plays an important role in communication. "Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs." said one wise man.
In a sentence a sequence of words becomes more than just a list.
In other words, good SVT testers will spend more time studying the problem than the solution.
Firstly, a baby boy may be born with a brain structure that is more feminine than masculine, in other words, a boy who will most likely be gay by puberty.
'After I took this photo, I tried to talk to the shepherd but we didn't have more than ten words in common, so we got in our car and drove on.
In other words, more than one-quarter of the population will be tuning in.
In Mapping Our Rights words: "More than 20 percent of all pregnancies in the United States end in abortion."
One school of thought proposes that there is more than mere chance in how a language's words emerge, and that if we look closely we see culture peeping through.
In other words, a video game will generate more than half as much revenue in one week as the entire mobile division will in one year.
In other words, a video game will generate more than half as much revenue in one week as the entire mobile division will in one year.