I am glad that you have reminded me, Heidi, for I have nearly forgotten it in my excitement.
In my excitement, I walked out without my sermon, and did not discover the oversight until I was in my pulpit and about ready to begin delivering it.
When the unicorn saw the number stuck to my side, it started bouncing up and down in excitement.
My thoughts were a great excitement, but when I tried to do anything with them, it was like trying to pack a balloon into a shed in a high wind.
By contrast, my father will be happy to tell you about the excitement of getting an orange in his stocking during the Depression.
Just how I would have been able to pay for tea and cakes, considering my lack of funds, was a question I failed to consider in the excitement of the moment.
My excitement for Sapporo space beer can be summarized by Okayama University biologist Manabu Sugimoto, one of the Japanese scientists involved with the use of space-grown barley in beer.
And here, through the mere excitement, I rapped heavily, with a cane which I held in my hand, upon that very portion of the brick-work behind which stood the corpse of the wife of my bosom.
At last, in the excitement of one side being about to make a score, I seized my opportunity and set about untying the knot which held the keys.
I clutched my dime tightly in my sweaty palm. Excitement took my breath away.
The more he spoke the more I was jumping up and down in my head with excitement.
When the Lycoming engine barked to life, it was as if a spark had jumped a gap in my heart-the love, vigor, and excitement of my childhood came rushing back.
But since Rebecca's been in my life I've got a whole new sense of worth and excitement.
With excitement radiating from her face little brown-eyed jeanine stood attentively beside me in her too-small pajamas while I completed the process of unraveling my surprise.
I feel that my greatest joy is to be able to engage in my favorite dancing, dancing with my students and these friends who truly love dancing and sharing our inner resonance and excitement.
Tomorrow will be my birthday, with was same in the past, does not have too many excited and the excitement. Because perhaps I am a potential pessimist.
For the first time in my memory, I went into the alley with pleasure and opened the back door with excitement.
In my mind, there is not anything that arouses more excitement than this sport/event/place.
I found Clarice waiting for me in my room, her round face red with excitement. We laughed at each other like schoolgirls. The dress fit perfectly.
I continue to enjoy the excitement of new discoveries in the field of superconductivity and continue to practice my hobby while getting paid.
My excitement peaked when Professor Ruan introduced to me a violin workshop in the outskirts of Beijing.
My heart pounded. I clutched my dime tightly in my sweaty palm. Excitement took my breath away.
After a night spent in excitement and sleeplessness, I continued to explore more orders for my company.
The shop was so small it didn't offer alterations, but my excitement assured me I would be able to get it resized in my hometown.
After about half an hour waiting in the rain, my excitement and high spirit were all flushed away by the rain.
I remember the excitement I felt in that secret box, and I felt like my mon's vote wasn't just about the candidate, it was about our family - and all the families just like ours.
I remember the excitement I felt in that secret box, and I felt like my mon's vote wasn't just about the candidate, it was about our family - and all the families just like ours.