He has been trying unsuccessfully to sell the business in one piece since early last year.
This makes a larger incision into the eye and removes the lens in one piece.
One of the most impressive scene, the sea, the sky and the clouds are all in one piece.
That bid also failed and the chances of finding the probe in one piece appear to be fading.
Welded elements: assembled from racks and chords with an exceeptional size range in one piece.
The whole eight-hour, very complicated story came to my mind in one piece, in one inspiration.
The orchestra is joined by pairs of ballet dancers in one piece during the second part of the programme.
Clark had a unique talent for taking off on hopeless closeout shorebreak waves and surviving in one piece.
In contrast, the ring on the Long March 9 will be made through a casting method that produces it in one piece.
The cylinder head is usually cast in one piece from iron, from iron alloyed with other metals, or from aluminum alloy.
With Server-based page rendering , the complete page is (often) created in one piece, one request and one response at a time.
If it gets there in one piece, it will examine the climate and geology of Mars and look for any signs of life that might have arisen.
I looked for our ship and , to my surprise , it was still there and still in one piece . 'I think I can swim to it , ' I said to myself .
A lot of young people jumped out of the truck and roll onto safety, and I followed them after seeing then stand up on their feet in one piece.
Still, I finished in one piece in six hours and quite enjoyed it. And so did my boyfriend, who convinced me it was time to sign up with a coach.
The block is cast in one piece from gray iron or iron alloyed with other metals, such as nickel or chromium. Some blocks are cast from aluminum.
If the CU is contiguous (that is, it is loaded into memory in one piece) then there are values for the low and high memory addresses for the unit.
Even that can be incomplete since XSL can easily append strings together, so the final string representing the image may not be found in one piece.
The moral of this story being that even if you do make it out of rock 'n 'roll in one piece, what's waiting on the other side could be equally grim.
She had seen, many a time, empty versions of these brown bottles dispersed around the kitchen floor, sometimes all in one piece, sometimes shattered into shards.
Shoes from the north, especially Beijing, had a 'bow' shape, an exaggerated curved sole and heel in one piece, often with leather reinforcements at toe and heel.
Then, on the spirits' behalf, I had to eat some chicken and promise not to cut the threads; better still, to stay in one piece, I should keep them on until they fell off.
Sometimes girls or women, crying is cried harder and sad, this is crying behavior prompted her to vent their emotions, their cause and effect on the confusion in one piece.
Even if the do-everything point guard gave the entire building a gasp when he went diving into the stands at the 2:54 mark of the first quarter before slowly finding his way up in one piece.
然而,在库里慢慢找到手感之前,这位全能的得分后卫在首节2分54秒之际就为救球摔向观众席,让整个球场为之一震。 。
You gotta think though that over a couple of thousand years, if there are still a pile of vases each in one piece, there must have been many more that were dropped and got broken over the years.
The pressure is on to take the Ice Road's into the unknown, to go and come back in one piece . If you think you've got what it takes to be a tough ice road trucker, then this may be business for you.
The pressure is on to take the Ice Road's into the unknown, to go and come back in one piece . If you think you've got what it takes to be a tough ice road trucker, then this may be business for you.