So poor in one sense was it that he never could remember for more than a few days single date or a line of poetry.
You know, in one sense, it's actually easier than social conversation because you are in complete control of where the talk is going.
The smaller eBay, on the other hand, might in one sense claim Google as an ally.
In one sense, the myth of modern intellectual is one of universal intellectual.
In one sense, when reflected in water, buildings look larger and more imposing.
In one sense the man's full head of hair possibly shows what the Hairclub can do.
'In one sense, it's true: The speaker does wish to tell you that your hair looks great.
The best are, in one sense, original compositions that logically develop your view of the topic.
In one sense, all these things are true; however, these are deeply wrong responses, both theologically and pastorally.
In one sense, the criticism is just, because in the book I did not signal what an extraordinary thing such faith is.
In one sense, we have more control over our lives and more assets to protect ourselves with, and more marketable talents.
But, for all that, they were, in one sense, the truest and most substantial things which the poor minister now dealt with.
Yet such claimants are, in one sense, lucky: typically, 60% of unemployed people don’t qualify for the benefits at all.
In one sense, the type of each line is determined by its first character (either semicolon, left brace, or alphabetic).
Yet such claimants are, in one sense, lucky: typically, 60% of unemployed people don't qualify for the benefits at all.
Response: In one sense this is correct; moral values do not become more true. But they can become better by other criteria.
The modernity of Chinese prose theories is, in one sense, an essential extension of the modernity of modern Chinese culture.
The financial and economic crisis that has struck the global economy since last year's meeting is, in one sense, ideal for Davos.
But while these figures may be reassuring in one sense, scientifically they are far from comforting. The disparity between them is enormous.
In one sense, imeem is a media-centric social network service, and in another sense, it is also a user participation service for online content.
用户互相观看,传送,分享各种各样的媒体类型,包括包括博客、图片、音频、视频.在某中意义上说,imeem 是以媒体为中心的社会服务网络,在另一层意义上来说,为用户提供了线上内容分享服务。
In one sense of the word it is, of course, necessary, as the Greek oracle said, to know oneself. That is the first achievement of knowledge.
True, in one sense, but Anand has provided about two dozen possible enhancements, and particular users might want some of them, but not others.
In one sense, the new co-ordination technologies enable us to return to the re-industrial organizational model of small, autonomous businesses.
Artists have the same viewpoint as Duchamp's: One's life itself, in one sense, is a form of art. Therefore, no one is more important than another.
In one sense, Zhang Huifa is the general manager of one big corporation, and there is no need for him to take higher-level matters into his account.
In one sense, all of you are here today because you were approved by the admissions office of Hamilton to pursue a course of study, which is now over.
On the one hand, one of the important advantages is that the abandoned island is a haven for abandoned babies, which in one sense, is saving their live.
In one sense, you're still depending on the word of others; open source does remove a major barrier by giving you the program code but that's only part of the puzzle.
In one sense expired is a synonym for died and in indigent circumstances for poor, but when the whole statement is considered, we cannot maintain that the two are the same.
在某种意义上,expired是died 的同义词,in indigentcircumstances 是poor 的同义词,但从整个句子上看来,我们不能说这两个句子是一样的。
In one sense expired is a synonym for died and in indigent circumstances for poor, but when the whole statement is considered, we cannot maintain that the two are the same.
在某种意义上,expired是died 的同义词,in indigentcircumstances 是poor 的同义词,但从整个句子上看来,我们不能说这两个句子是一样的。