Computer people talk a lot about the need for other people to become "computer-literate", in other words, to learn to understand computers and what makes them tick.
You will be working with two other head brokers, in another words, you will be handling about a third of our clients.
In other words, they have difficultly critically thinking about the information they see.
In other words, it is where you store information about services in your systems or other organizations' systems, that you use, plan to use, or want to be aware of.
"Lunch and learn" sessions are a great way to accomplish this - in other words, invite a colleague to lunch to learn about what he or she does, or get departments together in larger groups.
In other words, a business process model is about the chain of events that must occur rather than the specific details about how those events will occur.
In other words, my plan is to talk about the bedrock knowledge that can lead you to better designs in any technology or project.
In other words, for each additional base pattern, there must be about 7 more nodes.
In other words, be mindful of the fact that it's not all about you.
Attributes should be used to describe how to interpret data elements, or describe something about them — in other words, attributes are a form of metadata.
In other words, can you make an inference about the population of Nova Scotia beer drinkers on the basis of results obtained from the sample?
In other words it's not about how much we earn, it's about how much we earn in comparison to other people.
In other words, listening skills allow you to understand what someone is "talking about".
In other words, you'd be handling about a third of our clients.
In other words, it's largely about data persistence.
In other words, stories in and about Africa are typically framed with these clients in mind.
If skin-care companies want to use the language of science, in other words, they ought to be rigorous about applying its methods, too.
In other words, investors are becoming less worried about extreme events.
In other words, you have to burn about 25 percent more coal just to remove the CO2 from the coal.
In other words, what about dynamically generated Web sites?
In other words, the scientific activity that surrounds experimentation is about thinking clearly in the face of evidence obtained as the result of an experiment.
In other words, after decades of talk about the importance of "south-south" ties, those links have finally started to mean something.
In other words, a true friendship which "offers unflinching advice and counsels restraint" to engage in principled dialogue about matters of contention.
In other words, it is a romance perspective about the world, the realistic approach to which would somehow or another leave us feeling much more confined.
In other words, it is a romance perspective about the world, the realistic approach to which would somehow or another leave us feeling much more confined.