The formula for a well-made play required that the certain of these elements be included in a particular order.
Graphics put the information in a particular order so that it's easy to understand when we take a quick look.
For example, a particular musical theme associated with an individual character or situation may be repeated at various points in a film in order to remind the audience of salient motifs or ideas.
It does this by providing scenarios that help explain what to look for in order to find potential defects from that particular perspective.
This architecture guarantees that the records in a particular input file will be processed in the order in which they appear in the file.
In no particular order-because choosing just ten was tough enough-the list brings together classic rock, American Idol, and, of course, '80s standbys.
You can utilize a scheduling module that runs policies at various intervals in order to conform to your particular maintenance window.
This is important; the framework will expect a certain set of XML elements of specified type and in a particular order.
Welchman's team organized simulated "gunfights" in the laboratory, with pairs of volunteers competing against each other to push three buttons on a computer console in a particular order.
We are able to express almost anything on our mind by uttering a few sounds in a particular order.
"There has been no order, specific order, to plan in any particular area of the world," said General Satler.
Instead, most move, in no particular order, from one stage to another and back again over the course of their illness — and even over the course of a single hour or day.
The best practices are not listed in any particular order, but rather, all of them are equally important, as they all contribute toward the overall security level of your DB2 data server.
Let's say that we want to specify that our service operations must be invoked in a particular order.
Many publishers develop multiple language versions of their website (particularly in Spanish), which advertisers can specify in order to reach a particular language audience.
In no particular order, below are just 10 life lessons actually learned long ago but ones that are often remembered much later.
For this to work, you must make sure that HATS checks for both customizations — but in a particular order. If HATS USES the following order.
It is expected that web services can be dynamically and automatically discovered, composed, and invoked in a specific order to fulfill particular tasks.
In RDF, ordering of child nodes is undefined, so you can't assume that Jena will retrieve the list of friends in any particular order.
The account details of the particular order are displayed in the account details portlet.
特定顺序的细节信息会显示在AccountDetails portlet中。
Service Orchestration specifies which services are invoked in particular scenarios and in what order (much like a workflow).
服务编制(Service Orchestration)指定在特定场景中以何种顺序调用何种服务(非常类似于工作流)。
With the process Filter page, you can also display these process elements in a particular order.
Whenever possible, deploy your organic spending power to buy organic versions of the following foods (in no particular order).
They're a combination of theory and practice and aren't necessarily in any particular order.
Here you are asked to discuss a particular business problem in order to assess your problem solving skills.
In software development, the programmer writes pre - and postconditions in order to establish the role of a particular software component.
For example, matches are considered to fall in a particular order (by date), while players are not inherently ordered.
Humans then chose to mate individual animals or plants that carried the particular gene in order to make the desired characteristics more common or more pronounced.
Animators take liberty with color and space, among other qualities, in order to highlight a particular function or part of the cell.
Animators take liberty with color and space, among other qualities, in order to highlight a particular function or part of the cell.