The insanity would not lie in the anger and darkness of the human mind—though it can be a black and raging place indeed.
Reports from the disaster zone also suggest a growing anger among the inhabitants of Zhouqu that the warnings were not heeded and that a better disaster action plan had not been put in place.
He teareth himself in his anger: shall the earth be forsaken for thee? and shall the rock be removed out of his place?
In this increasingly competitive world life, there will be a lot of pressure, little anxiety, anger, return to a home, is the place where we adjust themselves.
Communicate feelings of grief and anger in counseling, a safe place for these emotions.
The big part is dealing with the emotional residue of anger, fear and pain that they develop because they got invested in this in the first place.
Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.
When a parent responds to your bad swims with their anger, disapproval and criticism, we can assume that most of the time, their heart is in the right place.
Taking place in the tenth and final year of the Trojan War, the ILIAD opens with the anger of Achilles at the great king Agamemnon for taking away his favorite concubine (a spoil of war).
Taking place in the tenth and final year of the Trojan War, the ILIAD opens with the anger of Achilles at the great king Agamemnon for taking away his favorite concubine (a spoil of war).