Occasionally dolphins slap the water with their tails or churn it up in play.
This understanding that children gain of themselves as active agents continues to develop in their attempts to co-operate with others in play.
You don't use the latter as you only have one value in play at a time.
And a new ball would be used whenever the one in play showed any sign of wear.
The main idea in play here is that you only get so many days to "be alive"...
From Microsoft, MTS and COM + were the runtime environments in play at the time.
当时微软提供的MTS和COM +是那时使用的运行时环境。
See how these rules are put in play by reviewing the sample script in the archive.
Uploaded Videos must be 5 minutes or less in play length and 100 MBor less in file size.
Some of the elements that drove up food prices two years ago are still in play, said Zoellick.
They come from the functional programming world, where there are a number of concepts in play.
Much of their day is spent in play, climbing trees, chasing one another, and swinging from branches.
Standing nearly nine feet tall, two male polar bears engage in play combat on the February 2004 cover.
Some innovative interventions will be in parenting, some in education, some in medicine, some even in play.
So many other factors were in play that it's impossible to say whether the cover-up saved lives at the time.
But he nevertheless faces huge challenges on Super tuesday-a near-national primary when 22 states are in play.
It has all served to boost confidence in Fayyadism, as the host of initiatives in play is commonly referred to.
You can see this principle in play in the code that updates the count text boxes at the bottom of the function.
However, something far bigger is in play, and it will transform the entire software ecosystem over the next 5 years.
The researchers then examined why the mice were accumulating less fat, suspecting that a molecular signal was in play.
Instead of risking a killer shot on every point, why not keep the ball in play and give the other guy a chance to lose?
The law states that the ball must be kicked forward in order to be in play – so in this instance, the ball is still dead.
It almost certainly makes the experience of watching a 90 + minute soccer match where the horns are in play far more tolerable.
Thirty-seven held elections for governor. Forty-six held elections for their legislatures, with a total of 6,115 seats in play.
Thirty-seven held elections for governor. Forty-six held elections for their legislatures, with a total of 6, 115 seats in play.
The tantalizing results suggest that an addictive process is in play in the brain when some people come face to face with certain foods.
Mirror tic Tac Toe by Peleg Design is a rad little optical illusion board game with half o's and X's that only are complete when put in play.
Award a retake. The law states that the ball must be kicked forward in order to be in play - so in this instance, the ball is still dead.
When we’re told at the end that Tangshan has risen like a phoenix from the ashes, it’s understood that more than just Tangshan is in play.
For particles of different sizes, he says his mechanism might be in play; for identically sized particles, the new model might explain it.
For particles of different sizes, he says his mechanism might be in play; for identically sized particles, the new model might explain it.