Yet Mr Koizumi paid mostly only lip-service to the idea of smashing the post-war system in which LDP factions had monopolised—and more recently paralysed—political decisions.
People sometimes grumble at it and criticize it. But it is a political system deeply rooted in the instincts of our people.
In fact, it's not a system at all: it is a ruinously expensive, tiring and highly political game in which almost everyone emerges a loser.
This kind of nature and logic is reflected in the basic frame system of Confucianism"s natural law, humanities" law (benevolence) and political law.
In the first part, the writer briefs the macro-political environment, management system and competition environment of the whole telecom industry in China.
The Maturity of the household registration system has played a important role in consolidating political power and stabling domination, and also have a great impact on future generations.
Originally l would think that mainland people are in virtue of political system or other reasons, they could not be free as same as other people in expressing their thinking and desire.
Because health economics is related to the formulation and enforcement of public policy, we must evaluate political program that is provided in system.
Both sides would enhance their collaboration in the following four aspects, based on the agreement: first, build the cloud center for political affairs and design the relevant cloud system.
Both sides would enhance their collaboration in the following four aspects, based on the agreement: first, build the cloud center for political affairs and design the relevant cloud system.