The CW broadcasts 13 hours a week in prime time, 10 hours in daytime.
CNN, meanwhile, continues to lose out to its more strident rivals, in prime time at least.
In 2006, the year before Ms. Dubuc joined the channel, it drew an average 1.1 million viewers in prime time.
It'sclear that such impertinent questions don't make for good television, at leastnot in prime time Sunday evening.
Originally airing on Tuesdays for the short six-episode first season in midseason 1986, it moved to Wednesdays in prime time in the fall of 1986.
In the UK, matches are scheduled for prime time TV viewing.
In my point of view, we are in a prime time to curb the problem from deteriorating.
Everyone got prime shelf time for their items, so they could sell to anyone in the world at a fair price.
In a televised address to the nation at 11 a.m. local time, Prime Minister Naoto Kan pleaded for calm as he announced that radiation had spread from the reactors.
In two hours of prime time TV you might see ads for two to three different brands of cars.
The problem was that McGovern began to talk at 2:48 a.m., or prime time in Samoa, as the humorist Mark Shields quipped.
Obama has also purchased 30 minutes of prime time on network television to address American voters in the week before the election.
The ratio fell sharply as the baby boomers reached their prime saving years, hitting a low in 2000 at the time of dotcom mania.
In people, XPA is at prime DNA-repairing levels in the morning, which thus looks the safest time for UV exposure.
About halfway through this past year, our technology became ready for prime time: we passed the threshold of 90% questions answered, most in under 5 minutes!
And he squeezed Israel's new prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, into conceding for the first time in public, however grudgingly, that the Palestinians must have a state.
Mr Cameron introduced "the new deputy prime minister" with the relish of a groom referring to his "wife" for the first time in his wedding speech.
Sure, I know the fighting in Tripoli provides quality footage for prime-time news.
It's frightening because a file system in the early stages tends to be experimental and not quite ready for prime time.
Pakistan considered it especially insulting because Prime Minister Cameron made the statement in India, a long-time adversary of Pakistan.
Current television services in China are crammed with TV shopping advertisements during none-prime time periods, with many often being referred to as vulgar and tasteless.
Current television services in China are crammed with TV shopping advertisements during none-prime time periods, with many often being referred to as vulgar and tasteless.