That means soon, Chrysler will be 100% in private hands.
Over 80 percent of all arable land remains in private hands.
He is generally acknowledged to have the finest collection of Dutch paintings in private hands.
He is generally acknowledged to have the finest collection of Dutch paintings in private hands.
Better bean counting would make it easier to ascertain what might be better off in private hands.
In the USA mineral rights are often vested in private hands and royalty is thus not thought of as a tax.
Ideally, after the resolution stage, the Banks should be well-capitalized and in private hands once again.
Mr Simpfendorfer cites the housing market, worth about 7 per cent of GDP and now largely in private hands.
Those that remain in private hands do so with the understanding that they serve state interests, not those of shareholders.
It will destroy jobs and safety: Once public assets are in private hands, the drive for profits will come before all else.
The third group, largely in private hands, contains the most successful privatised companies: the half that ended up in the hands of their managers.
An incredibly rare handwritten manuscript of an unfinished novel by Jane Austen - the only one that is still in private hands - is to appear at auction in London.
The Big Cats in Britain (BCIB) group used the Freedom of Information Act to survey local councils on the weird and woolly creatures legally kept in private hands.
According to UNESCO's statistics, there are more than 1.67 million Chinese antiques in about 200 museums in 47 countries, and tens of millions of items lost in private hands all over the world.
And production and commercialization of new biotechnologies and genetically engineered crops is almost entirely in the hands of the private sector.
Indeed, the sorry history of Attlee's experiment illustrates just how costly it is to put private enterprise in public hands.
It shows the young Bruni standing in a pigeon-toed pose, covering her private parts with her hands.
The private sector also has an invaluable role to play in the development of such codes, bringing its expertise and hands-on experience.
Over 1000 private sector people participated in hands-on training on slaughtering, meat cutting, further processing and marketing.
Although private browsing mode was later introduced in Firefox and some other browsers too, Chrome's incognito wins hands down.
In other words, ultimate control over rates was taken from private hands and given to an agency of the people.
Even very rich men, however, cannot lay their hands on treasures that have already come to rest in museums or the private collections of other plutocrats.
DURING his testimony in a New York court on October 19th, Guy Hands, the boss of Terra Firma, a European private-equity firm, compared suing Citigroup to “putting a stick into a dragon”.
In 1762 ownership changed hands when it became the private home of King George III.
But the proportion in the dominant shareholder's hands remains above 70 per cent for businesses controlled by the public sector, by foreigners and by other private owners alike.
Private capital has poured into building power stations, but most other bits of the supply chain are in the hands of the state.
Private capital has poured into building power stations, but most other bits of the supply chain are in the hands of the state.