As long as the weight stays in proportion with the height, the taller the dog the more prized.
The result is more in proportion with the side of the car and gives the body colour areas a sleeker appearance.
However, the magnetic effect is not in proportion with the intensity of magnetization, it has an optimum condition.
Whenoverheated fault occurs on a electric circuit, total hydrocarbon producing rate varies directly in proportion with V';
The volume growth rate in proportion with hydration reaction rate and in contrast to void ratio in hydration course was described.
They have found that a certain amount of money does make us happy, but once basic needs are met, happiness doesn't rise in proportion with more income.
I've also looked at how older people are represented in the media; again, it's of major current interest with older people becoming a much larger proportion of UK and indeed world society.
The maternal strategy evolved by harbor seals may have to do with their small size and the large proportion of their fat stores depleted in lactation.
I've also looked at how older people are represented in the media; again, it's of major current interest with older people becoming a much larger proportion of UK and indeed, world society.
The proportion of working-age people with jobs is lower than in the trough of the recession.
The same disadvantages can apply to flat sharing, with the added difficulties that arise from deciding who pays for what, and in what proportion.
The study merely suggests that a much higher proportion of those with this genetic type are likely to engage in these behaviors.
More than half of the world's population lives in cities, with the urban poor constituting a growing proportion of urban dwellers.
Charles Himmelberg, a credit strategist at Goldman Sachs, forecasts that 14% of high-yield bonds will default this year, with the same proportion going phut in 2010.
The actual proportion depends on the distribution of rows with the pushed-down keys in the fact table.
The proportion of diarrhoea cases with dehydration and the proportion of ARI cases with pneumonia were significantly lower in districts with interventions.
This year's proportion of those who prioritize retirement savings, however, is in line with the 43% surveyed in 2007.
172copper occurs in nature mixed with other minerals and valuable metals in ore, and the proportion of copper in the ore can vary considerably.
It hand-picks highly-motivated graduates to teach for two years in schools with a significant proportion of poor children.
It is no coincidence that Malaysia, the country with the highest proportion of prudently managed forest in the study, is also one of the richest.
If this could be implemented in sub-Saharan Africa, he told the Guardian, "the proportion of people with HIV would run to under 1% in less than 50 years".
他告诉卫报记者,如果可以在撒哈拉以南非洲地区实施该方案,不到50年的时间,艾滋病病毒携带者的比例将减少到1 %以下。
The attractive force decreases with the distance in the same proportion as light, which, we saw a little while ago, decreases in intensity as the square of the distance increases.
The team compared their walks too — measuring their strides, the way they walked, stride durations and the proportion of each stride spent in contact with the ground.
For decades, the U.S. led the world in the proportion of citizens with college degrees, but in recent years it has been surpassed by other countries.
According to the IMF's website, all 186 members were eligible to receive the money from 28 August in proportion to their existing quotas with the fund.
The proportion of newborns with common names in any given state and its immediate neighbours became 30% higher than would have been expected if there were no geographic effect.
In all regions, the proportion of women living with HIV is growing.
In proportion, with improvement made in China's design industry, those multinationals become aware that their products need to be tailored to the special taste of Chinese consumers.
In proportion, with improvement made in China's design industry, those multinationals become aware that their products need to be tailored to the special taste of Chinese consumers.