I say friend, but in reality I haven't had any contact with her for over two years.
I'm a cheapskate. Some would say frugal, which sounds much more positive, but in reality I can be a real cheapskate.
In reality I don't have the experience to change others. "Birds of a feather flock together", which is similar to the topic.
In reality I don't drive and I don't have a car, but I have had this same bad dream again and again over the past two years.
I said that I was painfully aware that my family and my friends believed I was unreliable, when in reality I had never told a lie in my 'life.
"After we were done, I looked around and realized that I still had 2 way too much stuff," says Bruno, "it occurred to me that maybe I wanted to live simple but in reality I behaved differently."
The reality that has blocked my path to becoming the typical successful student is that engineering and liberal arts simply don't mix as easily as I have assumed in high school.
I enable myself to perceive reality through both perspectives at once. And I do not “believe” in one at the cost of disbelieving the other.
In brief, I am always looking at things from the perspective of reality, and also very considerate.
Ultimately, it results in a jarring collision with reality, and questions like, "Am I happy?"
In that reality, I am a wife and mom who lives in the suburbs and has a really interesting editorial job.
In reality, I might as well be throwing her into walls, down the stairs and beating on her because that is what I am doing to her spirit.
Faced with this reality, I think that my resignation would be in the best interests of the company.
I live in a dreamworld, thinking everything is wonderful, but every once in a while I snap back to reality and feel down.
I mean that there was an implicit reality in the photograph that is a new way of looking at something.
I have to know what the reality is so I can be more convincing in the writing.
First, I learned that, when you lose all rights to choose, in reality you can still choose your own attitude.
You know I granted the reality of matter only in order to make myself intelligible to your understanding.
For a long while I struggled to reconcile my affection and love for men with the reality of what I found out there in the ether.
And I think it's important to keep reality in mind, versus what happens with people's imaginations.
At this point, I may enlist others to help me assemble an alternative reality in which the critic is in the wrong and I am splendidly, undeniably in the right.
I tell myself that there are really no other choices, when in reality, there are choices everywhere.
When in reality, I wasted the entire morning reading other blogs and searching for the latest gadget that will change my life forever.
Only …for some reason Boots and I aren't existing in the same plane of reality at the same time.
When people ask me whether I truly believe in subjective reality, their question usually assumes that I must equate my identity with it in order to believe in it, which I don't.
One is the environment that I physically occupy. In that reality, I am a wife and mom who lives in the suburbs and has a really interesting editorial job.
One is the environment that I physically occupy. In that reality, I am a wife and mom who lives in the suburbs and has a really interesting editorial job.