The theory: the theory here is that life does not exist, we are all in fact test programs in a giant virtual reality or the players of that reality itself.
It is the nature of most dreams that we take them for reality - while dreaming we are unaware that we are in fact in a dreamworld.
It reflects the reality that while in theory the prosecution and the defense should have the same chance of winning before a jury, in fact the prosecution usually has many advantages.
That sounds like a messy disaster but, in reality, the game theorist in me wonders if that might in fact be design.
It may not be possible, in the light of the fact that no one knows exactly how WIMPs will behave in reality, to directly compare these experiments.
In the process of globalization, each national culture is in reality a fusion of several cultures, in spite of the fact that each national culture retains an independence from the others.
In fact, the key is not the question of theory model, but is the question of Chinese reality concrete linguistic environment to the intellectual who is engaged in the cultural criticism in China.
What is unique in old age in fact results from the reality of aging and approach of death.
The collaboration of many... through many years has assisted in making your world FEEL like a reality... when in fact... shall we say it is' superimposed '.
In fact, this assumption only shows a kind of special circumstances in reality, further, "unilateralism" agrees with general situation even more.
The fact that soldiers are forced to live in the fixed camp for all their lives makes most of the soldiers develop into local inhabitants, in reality, military migrants.
In fact, we know that our pursuit of illusory rather than real results, but we have to keep calm, the reality of self-deception in our society.
In fact, an in-depth research on this concept is valuable both in reality and academic field.
In fact, the porridge factories management reflected the reality of administration, economy and offical system in the Ming Dynasty.
The Zoo Story was written by Edward Albee, the leading figure of the Theatre of Absurd, in 1959, the uniqueness of which lies in the fact that it combines reality with philosophical thinking.
Bombings continue almost daily in Baghdad and around the rest of Iraq - a grim reality illustrated by the fact that the number of civilians killed by insurgents in July was the highest in two years.
In fact, using "Shanghai in 1930s" is not a random choice, but a unity and an agreement generated by mutual effect of "reality in experience" and "reality in history".
There is in fact a multiple reality, with apertures to the art exhibited, the city being constructed, and the garden to be sought refuge in.
In fact, no matter how people judge marriage, in reality it is the most realistic collaboration between a realistic man and a realistic woman.
In fact, if we wait for these significant events to mark the crossroads in our life we are missing many opportunities to transform our reality.
Despite the hoopla around Big Data, the reality is that were still in the early innings. In fact, as Goldmacher argues, were actually in the third round of the draft.
Despite the hoopla around Big Data, the reality is that were still in the early innings. In fact, as Goldmacher argues, were actually in the third round of the draft.