He had just received a doctorate in recognition of his contributions to seismology.
It was in recognition of the part it played in bringing the higher energies to Earth.
The prize goes to Mr Smith in recognition of his achievement in the field of medicine.
You are wonderful souls, and we kneel at your feet in recognition of your Light and Love.
This week, I had hoped that the class could share a celebration in recognition of 100 days of TTMLIS.
In recognition of labor and respect laborer, on the basis of we are likely to create their own new moral.
It has revised that estimate down since November in recognition of better-than-expected growth, especially in America.
Finally, in recognition of their contributions towards the Eclipse ecosystem, the following Eclipse Awards were announced.
In recognition of that contribution, there is now a biennial Celebration of Womenin Computing, which was named in her honor.
His Royal Highness has been made an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine in recognition of his work in this field.
The pipestone National Monument is in southwestern Minnesota. It was created in recognition of the red pipestone found in the area.
In recognition of his early work in physics and computing, Wolfram became in 1981 the youngest recipient of a MacArthur Prize Fellowship.
In recognition of the contribution skilled spouses and long term partners can make to the UK economy given their ability to work here.
They were there in recognition of Thursday's "Get Smart About Credit Day, " featured in Chase's Calendar of Events and other publications.
This certificate is awarded to TomFacai Wang in recognition of satisfactory completion of the basic brewing course conducted by Jack Lee.
Support in this case means built-in recognition of the model in the associated tooling and even optimized run-time transformation capability.
The move is part of their efforts to give emerging economic powers more say in the IMF, in recognition of their growing influence in the world economy.
If by chance named in recognition of leadership, will be excited day, parents fear most is the total of "caress" the tone that he was still young.
The 93-meter-high copper beauty was a gift from the people of France in 1886, in recognition of the friendship established during the American Revolution.
More than ten years ago international dance writers coined the name "Polish Contemporary dance" in recognition of newly emergent cultural phenomenon of Poland.
Huaibei Mining outstanding contributions to the individual is the current focus of human science and technology awards ceremony in recognition of the work of the type.
Not satisfied with his status of Magician, granted in recognition of the awesome strength of his magic, Trent had sought to use his power to preempt the throne of Xanth.
Retail and other companies continue to expand their online presence and websites in recognition of the growing share of their business and sales that is conducted online.
In recognition of his excellence in arts education and research, Professor Louie was elected to the Australian Humanities Academy and is now its international secretary.
In recognition of this, AFTA's rules of origin are quite relaxed: a good qualifies even if only 40% of its value was added in the region, and that 40% can come from more than one member.
In recognition of this, AFTA's rules of origin are quite relaxed: a good qualifies even if only 40% of its value was added in the region, and that 40% can come from more than one member.