The companies produced prototypes for testing in record time.
XML has gone from the latest buzzword to an entrenched technology in record time.
You will be up to speed in record time producing some of the most exciting images.
It's hard to savor a fine meal in record time, and a symphony loses something when played at double speed.
It is the result of a petition to Congress signed by some 1.5m citizens, and was passed in record time.
At a time of record heat, Member States have embraced the Paris Agreement on climate change in record time.
You're particularly motivated because you have plans, so you knock out your first three tasks in record time.
No one can argue the fact that Carol Lim and Humberto Leon have turned the Kenzo brand around in record time.
Research suggests that doing a spot of yoga can help relax your body and help you get to sleep in record time.
Critics often compare India to the other Asian giant, China, which has built world-class infrastructure in record time.
You have completed the task to replace the company name in thousands of places among multiple files in record time using the RPL tool.
If you want some practical help with achieving your goals in record time, my book TRUE SELF lays the whole process out and walks you through it.
Your manager is happy that you got the new feature working in record time, customers love the feature, and sales on your Web site improve remarkably.
Hickory, North Carolina, cops were able to solve in record time the mystery of the two cash registers purloined from the Captain's Galley restaurant.
After discovering these powers, Peter appears in a televised wrestling match and, armed with his new spider strength, wins the match in record time.
An online dieting program which promises big weight loss results in record time has raised suspicions and resulted in a possible class action lawsuit.
With a capacity of up to 500 tubes per minute, the high-performance TFS 80-6 production line inspects, fills and seals toothpaste tubes in record time.
每分钟高达500只管筒的检查能力,高性能TFS 80-6生产线在记录时间内完成检查、填装并且密封牙膏管。
Serve picky customers in record time and earn upgrades including up to 6 different chocolate machines that'll turn your shop into a worldwide sensation.
I’ve had a discussion with Archangel Michael about 11/11/11, thanks to Linda Dillon. Ellen has transcribed the tape in record time, for which I give her my deepest thanks.
I always dream of starting at London, proceeding to Bristol by train, transferring to the largest and fastest new ship in the world and arriving in new York in record time.
The vaccine was developed, from start to finish, in less than a decade, in record time, and at about one-tenth of the cost usually needed to bring a product through development to the market.
More than anything, this American-made canvas-and-glass prefab, slapped together in record time, could be mistaken for a public toilet, temporary of course, or maybe an emergency shelter.
She held off all the last-minute challengers and won the race in a new record time.
What we do know is that as we include longer time intervals, the record shows increasing evidence of slow swings in climate between different regimes.
The fossil record indicates that in all the time that animals have inhabited Earth, there have been five great mass extinctions, dinosaurs being the most recent.
Such changes are all but invisible over the short time scale of modern observations, and, it is argued, they are usually obscured by innumerable gaps in the imperfect fossil record.
Such changes are all but invisible over the short time scale of modern observations, and, it is argued, they are usually obscured by innumerable gaps in the imperfect fossil record.