In response to the request of Dassan Ltd, the Porter's Five Force Model of Australia automobile has been researched and analysed.
In response to the request from the Minister of Health of Ukraine, WHO is deploying a multi-disciplinary team of experts to assist national authorities in mitigating the impact of the pandemic.
Often one service calls another service in a chain to determine the response to a request from a consumer.
This system sends a request message into a particular MQ queue and expects the response to this request in a separate response queue.
Therefore, any failure during processing of the service request at the responder_s side results in the request waiting for processing or the response waiting to go out, but no in doubt states.
The response will travel all the way through the two JBI servers back to your browser, which will display the response in its text box opposite the request text box.
The previous filter in the filter chain passes request, response, and filter chain objects to APF.
But what if you want to keep interacting with the user after the initial data is sent in response to a request?
The proxy filter invokes the first filter in the filter chain, passing request, response, and filter chain objects to the filter.
The filter will then inspect the request object and decide to forward the request to the next component in the chain, or stop the request and send a response directly back to the client.
You need to specify the supported languages in a file and in a system property, in order to determine the character set of the request and the response.
If the interface is request-response, get the client to create a receiver in another transaction and then receive the response message from the reply queue.
The service dashboard can include the ability to log the raw request and response that enables the enhancement of the simulator to include this scenario in its simulation set.
Using the same client implementation with the new client artifacts to request an order produces the response shown in Listing 6.
The requester can choose to enqueue a request but not wait for processing to complete, then periodically check for a response in the response queue while it performs other work.
In response to a request from the Ministry of Health, WHO is providing technical support, particularly in the area of laboratory testing.
To see this in action, use code like that shown in Listing 5 to test the response text of a request, as well as its ready state.
要查看这种变化,请使用如 清单5所示的代码来测试请求的响应文本,以及它们的就绪状态。
The server treats the request from the client as it would a normal request, and returns a response, which can contain the data the widget needs to display in the browser.
Your application sits idle, anxiously waiting for the user to send in a request. It passes back the response and then goes back to sleep until the next call.
In addition, extra code is executed on the server to process a WS response Template request.
In response to a request, it sends a standard HTTP response header, collects readings from the relevant pins, and sends the data package in text format.
In this caching scenario, when the cache mediation finds a response to a service request in the cache, it will return the cached response directly to the message requester.
A caching device needs to parse all of the request and response headers in order to find answers to those questions.
The Mediator sends a synchronous request to the System Interface of the original requesting System in which the business response (to the original request) is provided.
The key concept in this pattern is to understand that the request and response processing are decoupled.
According to the response time requirement and cost-efficient requirement, the principles shown below need to be followed in choosing the service provider for each application request.
The request has to be initiated by the client, and the server can only send data in response to a request.
The additional information need to correlate request and response in the HTTPR asynchronous (or pseudo-synchronous) environment is put into the HTTPR message context header.
The menu bar allows you to filter by request type, and the small triangles in front of the requests allow you to see the request and response headers as well as the whole response itself.
Maria knocks quietly on the door in response to Ms Anderson's request.