In other words, rather than rely on a record Length or Delimiter specified on the node itself, one of the broker's parsers should be used to decide where one record ends and the next begins.
An optional string length unit can be specified to indicate in what units the start and result of the function are expressed.
One button will create or update the content length header based on the actual content specified in the message body.
If string to be searched is found, the result is a number from 1 to the actual length of input string, expressed in the code units that are explicitly specified.
In Figure 5, the substring of length 1 from the first byte of the string has been specified.
If the internal representation of the spatial value requires less bytes than specified in the inline length setting, then it will be stored inline as VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA.
如果空间值的内部表示需要的字节数少于inlinelength设置中指定的值,那么它将以内联(inline)的方式存储为VARCHAR FORBIT DATA。
This filter produces a solid color, silent video clip of the specified length (in frames).
In a match, the two players agree in advance to concede all putts within a specified length. Is this contrary to Rule 1-3?
在比洞赛中,两名球员同意预先承认所有的在指定长度内的推杆。这与规则1 - 3是相反的吗?
The system keeps the linear velocity of the shear blade in pace with that of the rolled piece and warrants the accuracy of the specified cut length.
Returns a new string of a specified length in which the end of the current string is padded with Spaces or with a specified Unicode character.
The data type and length of the system fields are specified in the second column in the notation type(length).
At the end of daylight saving time, the clock time is set back by the length of time specified in this property.
At the start of daylight saving time, the clock time is advanced by the length of time specified in this property.
Returns a new string of a specified length in which the beginning of the current string is padded with Spaces or with a specified Unicode character.
The ladders specified in paragraph (2) (b) of this Article shall be of adequate length and strength, and properly secured.
Depression effects of the depressants which have been prepared by mixing various depressants with variable ester chain length in the specified proportion are investigated.
The transmitting window of an ONU is indicated in GATE message where start time and length are specified.
Returns a new string that right-aligns the characters in this instance by padding them with Spaces on the left, for a specified total length.
Returns a new string that left-aligns the characters in this string by padding them with Spaces on the right, for a specified total length.
The length is specified in two parts, the length's value and the length's unit type.
The length is specified in two parts, the length's value and the length's unit type.