Although he is a socialist, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.
Share prices slipped in sympathy with the German market.
Several hundred workers struck in sympathy with their colleagues.
Her heart throbbed in sympathy with his joy.
They are in sympathy with your views.
He is in sympathy with their beliefs.
We are all in sympathy with your proposals.
I am wholly in sympathy with the idea, but if you persist in it you are likely to tread on the toes of several of the city fathers.
Associate with people who are in sympathy with you and major purpose; get their encouragement. They can be colleagues, friends, or family.
Ever once the brief strike in sympathy with the haulage men she felt more a living part of the docks and felt too that the dockers accepted her more thoroughly.
Shares of emerging-marketbanks, which with the exception of a few places such as Russia are inreasonable shape, have plunged in sympathy with their Western peers.
Shares of emerging-market Banks, which with the exception of a few places such as Russia are in reasonable shape, have plunged in sympathy with their Western peers.
Your humor must be relevant to the audience and should help to show them that you are one of them or that you understand their situation and are in sympathy with their point if view.
your humor must be relevant to the audience and should help to show them that you are one of them or that you understand their situation and are in sympathy with their point of view.
Mental health allows us to view others with sympathy if they are having troubles, with kindness if they are in pain, and with unconditional love no matter who they are.
The little sympathy which we feel with bodily pain is the foundation of the propriety of constancy and patience in enduring it.
Yet international aid and sympathy was slow in coming, especially when compared with the outpouring accompanying January's earthquake in Haiti.
But in those days I felt not the slightest sympathy with the distress of disturbed studiousness.
The emotional protests have been fueled, in part, by Internet rumors, questionable South Korean news reports and grassroots sympathy with economically threatened South Korean cattle farmers.
I have been a prisoner, so I have a lot of sympathy with other people in prison.
I have more sympathy with the boss than you, as I've been in her position.
In February Australia (with quiet sympathy from New Zealand) threatened to take Japan to the International Court of Justice unless it stopped whaling off Antarctica.
One woman who managed to penetrate West German intelligence was sentenced to only six and a half years in prison, probably because ordinary West Germans had some sympathy with the women.
'Looking at the pictures in Japan, I am filled with pain and sympathy, as well as memories,' said Oleh Honcharov, a 42-year-old former lieutenant whose first assignment was the clean up at Chernobyl.
42岁的洪察洛夫(OlehHoncharov)说,看到日本的图片,我心里充满痛苦和同情,还有回忆。 他曾是陆军中尉,接到的首个任务就是清理切尔诺贝利核事故。
It brought back too many memories, and also some sympathy, since it was obvious the man in question was a complete novice when it comes to dealing with the delicate issues of cheating and/or leaving.
It brought back too many memories, and also some sympathy, since it was obvious the man in question was a complete novice when it comes to dealing with the delicate issues of cheating and/or leaving.