The type of astrology that most western astrologers practice, horoscopic astrology, requires an exact birth time in order to work properly.
Do you need to know the exact number of working days that your employees or team members work in order to properly plan for a project?
Such forecasts are of course subject to countless variables, but the report argues that the change in rankings should occur in roughly the same order even if the exact dates differ.
Note that you need to be very careful setting up your replication activity, so that the record lists in the two data sources are processed in the exact same order.
In order to serve a cached page in these areas, the request for the page must come from a user who already accessed the page using that exact URL.
SQS will try to preserve the order in messages, but it is not guaranteed that you will receive messages in the exact order you sent them.
The chances of using a big method like the original populate method are small: it's highly unlikely that I'll need to do those exact things, in exactly that order, in a subsequent class.
The way to do that (and much else that is needed in order to read the history written in meteorites) is to look at the exact mixture of atomic isotopes in them.
Wang Zhaoyao expressed that in order to reduce risks, the produce quality, perfect training of cosmonauts and exact organization must be ensured.
SA exact is available in different colours and finishes, and you can even order it in a colour that suits your needs.
He finds that the proteins seem to freely associate in groups of four at the surface of each cell, but that in order for another cell to bind, it must have pretty much the exact same group of four.
He finds that the proteins seem to freely associate in groups of four at the surface of each cell, but that in order for another cell to bind, it must have pretty much the exact same group of four.