What factors are involved in the amount of deformation a glacier undergoes?
The suggested theory is that a plant community becomes more susceptible to invasion whenever there is an increase in the amount of unused resources.
The land started to get drier, which in turn caused a huge decrease in the amount of vegetation because vegetation doesn't grow as well in dry soil, right?
To further confuse the issue, there is an enormous variation in the amount of sleep people feel happy with.
The project also resulted in a reduction in the amount of medicines used to perform medical-imaging procedures.
An increase in the amount of carbon dioxide means that there are more molecules of carbon dioxide to absorb infrared radiation.
Constant variations in the amount of sunlight available on Earth at any given location make energy storage a necessary design feature of terrestrial solar-energy systems.
It says that variations in earth's movements, specifically in its orbit around the sun, these variations lead to differences in the amount of solar energy that reaches the earth.
It is important to note that other factors, such as volcanic particulates or variations in the amount of sunlight received by the Earth, could potentially have affected the climate.
I'd like to have a three year time deposit in the amount of two thousand pounds.
It is apparent that humans can adjust to variations in the amount of calcium in their diet.
In our opinion the whole question lies in the amount of thought that is mingled with prayer.
As a result, they have shown an extreme rise in the amount of related mental health problems.
That's a significant savings in the amount of time required to obtain a backup of the system.
The problem isn't entirely in the if statement, but mostly in the amount of code in the if statement.
问题并不完全归结在if语句上,if 语句中代码的数量才是最关键的。
How do the data binding approaches compare in the amount of memory used for the document representation?
The second pill is an increase in the amount of core capital that Banks need to hold against losses.
This example sounds "exaggerated" to Xu Longjiang because of the huge difference in the amount of time.
Research indicates that there is no significant difference between women and men in the amount of words spoken.
They also found the first evidence of a similar boost in the amount of carbon locked away in the deep ocean.
Humans are limited in the amount of information they can retain, especially when that information is complex.
That's because the particles differ in the amount of solar energy that they prevent from reaching the ground.
There was a decrease in the amount of the CPU used with system 7000 as opposed to other system configurations.
与其他系统配置相反,系统 7000的CPU使用量出现了下降。
A rise in the expected future demand for oil thus causes a current decline in the amount of oil being supplied.
Companies take pride in the amount of money they give to charity, in many cases aiming to give 1% of total revenue.
Narrow down your topic to something that can be thoroughly discussed in the amount of pages your assignment calls for.
The 2010 World Cup host nation has seen an increase in the amount of fake goods coming into the country in the past months.
They have varied in the amount of increase, but the trend is higher rates, increasing considerably faster than inflation.
Whether for incandescents, halogen, fluorescents or LEDs this measures the decrease in the amount of light they emit over time.
Whether for incandescents, halogen, fluorescents or LEDs this measures the decrease in the amount of light they emit over time.