In fact, moths are one of the most beautiful animals in the animal world.
In the animal world, similar diseases occur in mink, mule deer, and elk.
I knew how this would be settled in the animal world. But this was Girl world.
Tigers are regarded as among the most fearsome, instinctual hunters in the animal world.
But it's a rare thing anywhere in the animal world to see a tool being used quite this deliberately.
You might think you're smart, but none of your senses rival the keenest abilities in the animal world.
However, in the animal world, as in the human world, being obese causes problems such as arthritis, diabetes and heart disease.
More than 30 new human infectious diseases have emerged over the past three decades, most of them originating in the animal world.
Signaling is also rampant in the animal world, from peacock feathers to elk battles and the subject of a vibrant and related research program.
A lot of communication in the animal world occurs via volatile, information-carrying "scent" chemicals, many of which remain to be chemically identified.
In the animal world - and among primitive humans - females were programmed to die not long after menopause, as they were no longer needed genetically.
It forms societies that are among the most complex in the animal world, which can comprise 8 million ants, with different functions attached to different groups.
Without the attachment of romantic love, we would live in an entirely different society that more closely resembled some (but not all) of those social circles in the animal world.
The Rat sang a little song to himself, and the Mole remembered that it was not at all polite, in the animal world, to say anything if your friends disappeared at any moment, for any reason.
While researchers don't agree on how big a role such social emotions play in the animal world, there is widespread agreement that many animals share another emotional characteristic with us: stress.
Painlevé was a pioneer in underwater film-making, and a lot of his short films focused on the aquatic animal world.
Strong emotional bonds between mothers and infants increase children's willingness to explore the world—an effect that has been observed across the animal kingdom, in people, monkeys and even spiders.
The United Kingdom is one of the few countries in the world that does not have a large wild animal that eats meat.
We hold the record for the longest migration of any animal in the world!
As the most famous animal of China, the giant panda appears in the logo of the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF).
Because it's fun to practice and good for health, Five Animal Exercises are becoming more and more popular in recent years, not only in China, but also in many other places of the world.
Our lab is one of the largest bio-containment facilities in the world dealing with animal pathogens, some of which have the potential to infect and kill humans.
(Chirping sound.) That may not sound like much - but it's the loudest animal in the world.
Perhaps this is an example of how, in the real world, it is impossible to escape the responsibility that one sometimes has to take the life of an animal.
In a world in which food is scarce, it is smart for an animal to eat when it can and storeupthe fat, and suicidal to pass up the chance for sweet fruit or fresh meat.
People in viral hotspots around the world will report suspicious human and animal deaths (often a warning sign of a coming plague) by mobile phones.
Keepers said Asian elephants have the longest gestation period - at 22 months - of any animal in the world.
Keepers said Asian elephants have the longest gestation period - at 22 months - of any animal in the world.