The paintings that David donated to the school are being displayed in the assembly hall.
There will be an English lecture in the assembly hall this Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock.
On hearing this, the royal ministers and wise men in the assembly hall started to roar with laughter, slapping their sides with their hands.
The representatives of the 192 nations assembled in the assembly hall were no better, he told them, than orators at Hyde Park's Speakers' Corner.
It was an important speech, especially at that time, but the delegates in the cavernous hall of the General Assembly were also thinking about events in Washington.
Yet if the old dining hall, with its horribly long echo, feels in any way sinister, the unrestored assembly hall is the stuff of a Hammer House of Horror nightmare.
"The scientific criteria for an influenza pandemic have been met, " Chan told reporters in WHO's main assembly hall in Geneva shortly after 5 p.m. local time on 11 June.
Above matters involved in the conservation and restoration of Huguan assembly hall are studied in detail in this article, hoping for referential results for later practices.
I will make sure that by next year this time leaders will be able to take the floor in the newly renovated General Assembly Hall.
Reaches to the sky the outer space cabin constructs in 350 meters place, in has view, the assembly hall and the coffee place, elegant luxurious, is advantageous.
The following analysis of practice in Huguan assembly hall shows its positive influence on localization of authenticity.
They met in the evening, after work, probably in the home of one of the group members or in some kind of assembly hall.
Person at talk of time the strength of the voice be very limited, if make in a the assembly hall which have a thousands person the each person's ability clearly hear is impossible.
Many of the Shaan Xi's assembly hall appeared in the late of Qing dynasty . These assembly hall were arranged and extend along the Hanjiang river in the space.
Many of the Shaan Xi's assembly hall appeared in the late of Qing dynasty . These assembly hall were arranged and extend along the Hanjiang river in the space.