Sheddin quiet tears in the back seat; so when she asked me.
I dumped the clothes in the back seat and hurriedly drove to the school.
The son was dozing off in the back seat and woke up as the car stopped.
He landed in the back seat of a car after crashing through the windscreen.
Even if you are in the back seat, try to wear your seat belt at all times.
He looked through the screen and saw that Bill and Ted were in the back seat.
I looked in the back seat of her car and smiled at the two boys who grinned back.
We parked the car, Elgie came over and settled himself in the back seat of the car.
Yunbo, why don't you take a nap in the back seat? I'll sit in the front with Dashan.
Jeff was going to drive so I sat in the back seat and we drove out of CTC parking lot.
Kim and Sammie were in the back seat but the two of them had their faces between the two seats.
I was the designated driver, they drank too much and on the way home hooked up in the back seat.
Marlena’s parents had driven to Las Vegas over a weekend and driven home with Lizzy in the back seat.
One bleak fall morning, I dragged myself to the car to go home and found four tires in the back seat.
In the back seat, meanwhile, children can watch videos, if their parents opt for a built-in DVD player.
Rumei: Sure, Dashan. Yunbo, why don't you take a nap in the back seat? I'll sit in the front with Dashan.
Booster Seats: Kids between the ages of 4 to 8 may use booster seats located in the back seat of vehicles.
It probably is best not to fiddle with switches or controls when riding in the back seat of an air force plane.
Accustomed to sitting in the back seat of their own, no one else to come, very quiet, you can do what you want to do.
All at once, the three children's faces lit up, and they began to bounce around in the back seat, laughing and chattering.
Marc and I were just watching the road ahead of us and Eric and Forest were in the back seat goofing off and roughhousing.
marc和我看着前面的路,而eric 和forest就在后面开开玩笑,打打闹闹的。
Nancy:If there is no room in the trunk, you'll have to put some bags in the back seat, or maybe even hold something on your lap.
Rear-facing seats:Keep infants in the back seat in a rear-facing car seat until a minimum of age 1 and a weight of at least 20 pounds.
In your mind's eye see yourself driving to that funeral, arriving, it's being held at a church, getting yourself situated in the back seat.
Indeed, Buick says it designed the new Lacrosse in part to appeal to well-heeled buyers in China, who typically hire drivers and ride in the back seat.
I was reading to my younger brother in the back seat and suddenly my mother screamed and tried frantically to miss the truck that had pulled out in front of us.
I was reading to my younger brother in the back seat and suddenly my mother screamed and tried frantically to miss the truck that had pulled out in front of us.