A simple sample document containing a book with at least one of each of the elements listed in Table 2 is shown below.
Tabs in library catalogs can make active maps to any book and guide searchers to it, even if it is off the shelf and on a table from the last reader.
The properties in our property sheet type that describe a book are listed in table 3.
In a database, three tables represent m: m relationships: the two tables you'd expect (Book and Author), and a third join table (BookAuthor).
在数据库中,用三个表表示m: m关系:前两个表您已经知道了(Book和Author),第三个是一个连接表(BookAuthor)。
If I were to copy and paste this code all around, then change the field structure of the book table, I would be in a bad way.
Finally, the many-key attribute indicates to store this Book instance's ISBN in your many-to-many table, as well.
最后,many-key属性表明要存储这个Book实例的ISBN 到多对多表中。
But the one thing that truly places the book in the past is its advice on table manners.
And yet, on the fourth or fifth reading in the 24 years since UK publication, the Periodic Table still seems to me to be the nearest match to the ideal science book.
The purpose is to store the book authors in a separate table by extracting the data from the XML documents in the bookstore table.
In the kitchen, Father dropped the book on the table, breaking the creased spine even more.
In particular, I don't like that I have to specify the name of the table and the fields each time I create a book.
Finally, Table 5 shows the join between a book and its author, which in a lot of ways comprises the most important data you've seen yet.
Late in the night, as I was sitting by myself at a table in the dining area reading a book and drinking coffee, a fight broke out at the bar.
Advertising in books - the tangible things that you put on your shelf or leave on your coffee table - seems weird. But e-books aren't a possession. You can't lend an e-book to a friend.
Using the Object Finder, select the first book in the list - or more accurately, the first cell in the search results table.
Raylou set down the book, opened the end-table drawer, and took out a pack of Lucky Strikes that I hadn't touched in two weeks.
Assume you have a table "authors" with detailed author information in an XML format that includes the author IDs that also occur in your book data.
After reading the first few lines of the proposed table of contents, it was clear to me that this book was not an "Ext JS in Action".
在阅读了提案内容表格的前几行之后,我就意识到这本书不是“ExtJS in Action”。
A sunny afternoon, an elegant retro cafe, a table near the window, a lazy cat nap, a song of healing music, a cup of steaming in Lanshan, an old book, a letter, a period of love.
I stumbled over a book in the walkway and had to catch myself on the edge of a table.
You don't need your phone at the dinner table, in the bathroom, or while you're watching a movie or reading a book.
If you look in your book there's a whole table of different solutions to the Schrodinger equation for several different wave functions.
Gradually the argument became more heated. It was about a book which lay on the table in front of them.
In his new book the Butler Speaks, MacPherson talks about whether one may keep a cellphone on the table during a dinner party.
Be my bed in place near window, the centre in the room is a table, is there be a book on the table.
In terms of the significance of cultural history, this table has some attachment to Zhou Yi (the Book of Change).
In the old days here's what happened: you phoned up to book a table, and somebody made a mark in a book with a pencil (always a pencil, so it could be rubbed out if the need arose).
In the old days here's what happened: you phoned up to book a table, and somebody made a mark in a book with a pencil (always a pencil, so it could be rubbed out if the need arose).