I was invited to a children ball by a man high up in the business world.
It is an axiom in the business world that a satisfied customer is the best advertisement.
Not knowing is like getting a bump or scratch but in the business world - it's money.
You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. This is how it works in the business world.
Which is not to say that open source companies can't hold their own in the business world.
He says it's a question that has taken on real urgency in the business world in recent years.
However, is there a more social endeavor in the business world than working on a project together?
If you've been applying for jobs in the business world without much success in 2010, don't despair.
The rate of sabbaticals in the business world has remained relatively steady in the last few years.
兰斯•霍恩曾经是一位人力资源经理,目前他是TLNT.com上的一名作家。 霍恩指出:“在过去的几年里,企业界的学术休假比率相对来说保持了稳定。
You can see from these examples how BRMS promotes visibility, simplicity and agility in the business world.
In the business world computers store information, so that we no longer need encyclopaedias and dictionaries.
Girls love guys who are confident, and confidence is also the key to getting ahead in the business world.
One cannot discuss the implications of Web 2.0 in the business world without talking about social networking.
如果不讨论社会网络,就无法讨论Web 2.0在商业领域的意义。
One of the most intimidating things to do in the business world is to ask for a raise at your current job.
Relationship building is useful not only in the business world but also when you are trying to meet new people.
When it comes to functioning in the business world and having a practical phone, the Blackberry wins hands down.
TRIALS of the century have become an annual event in the business world, thanks to America's wave of corporate scandals.
We hear about a handful of people in the business world using Attensa's powerful Outlook plug-in, but not very many.
In the business world, it's a distinct advantage to have a brain that anticipates future demands and negotiates them well.
Don't forget that Microsoft is entrenched in the business world, where switching from Windows is tremendously expensive.
Cloud computing, which began with consumer-focused E-mail services such as Hotmail, has also caught on in the business world.
The women who forsakes a career to be a mother, but never gets over knowing what she could have achieved in the business world.
In fact, I would go as far as to say that the smart people always ask for help... in the business world, we call it leveraging on others.
The problem with the field-of-dreams approach is that, unlike in Hollywood, in the business world there's no guarantee they will come.
When it comes right down to it, BlackBerrys still rest comfortably in suit pockets because RIM has carved out a niche in the business world.
There appears to be a growing acceptance of social networks in the business world, and not just the kind of networks dubbed "Enterprise 2.0."
What are the toughest periods I've encountered in my career and in the business world anyway was shortly after the collapse of the Berlin Wall.
N-tier development is a reality in the business world today - application patterns such as those in Silverlight and Ajax make n-tier mainstream.
N -Tier开发是当今商业社会的现实需求——如Silverlight和Ajax这样的应用模式使得N - Tier成为当前的主流。
N-tier development is a reality in the business world today - application patterns such as those in Silverlight and Ajax make n-tier mainstream.
N -Tier开发是当今商业社会的现实需求——如Silverlight和Ajax这样的应用模式使得N - Tier成为当前的主流。