Are directions for evacuation in the case of fire or other emergencies posted in all sleeping quarters in the native language?
Tell colleagues if you have to leave the dog alone, and make sure they know how to manage it in case of fire alarm or surprise upset.
This is easy to see in the case of material damage to property, theft of property or lost business profit following a fire.
In all three instances, BP is accused of ignoring earlier signs of trouble, and, in the case of the fire and the pipeline, of putting profits before safety.
In this case, the sheer ferocity of the accident might have had lessened its environmental impact - much of the fuel oil and crude onboard the rig may have burned up in the initial fire.
The broadcaster is widely accused of abusing its monopoly over national television by offering second-rate programmes and shoddy news coverage, or, in the case of the fire in February, next to none.
His finger is poised over the Manual Fire button in case the thrusters don't kick in at the right instant, which could cause the Soyuz to skip off the edge of the atmosphere like a stone on a pond.
In case of emergency that can cause a fire, oil from the transformer goes to a separate green pipe shown in picture 11 and the transformer is filled with nitrogen.
The consent of the head of the consular post may be assumed in case of fire or other disaster requiring prompt protective action.
Based on an analysis of the predicted volume and flow field of the smoke generated in case of fire, sets up a mathematical model and works out its numerical solution.
The egress in case of a fire is on either side of the hallway and down the stairs.
In case of fire, open the window and breath through a wet towel or clothes. At the same time, please pay attention to avoid the flame and smoke.
The river serves as fire hydrant in case of fire as well as serving the principles of FengShui and decoration.
Fire emergency: in case of a fire, please call the hotel operator, the emergency alarm system will give out audible warning. If you have hearing.
Problems to be talked about at the meeting include the safety of the dormitories, proper use of electricity, what to do in case of fire, prevention of theft and so on.
In front of the hall, there are a couple of gilded bronze vats, which were used to hold water in case of fire.
Her first day in the job was a real baptism of fire because she had to deal with a very difficult case immediately.
In case of leakage accident, it is possible to induce pool fire accident and it seriously threatens the safety of staff, residents and their property.
The fire services Department fights fires, protects life and property in case of fire and other calamity, provides emergency ambulance services and gives fire protection advice to the public.
Basde on two examples and the simulated calculation results, the paper analyzes half quantitatively the possible factors influencing the evacuation of the people in case of fire.
Based on design case study, the article analyzed the design method of the fire roller shutter and its control modes in high-rise buildings.
Working with established procedures, Maintenance Technician maintains the fire precaution system and extinguishers, ensures they meet all safety codes and are ready for use in case of an emergency.
Based on a real case study, the article analyzes the problems in the non-conventional design of the fire separation in the civil building design.
So the next time you watch a fire going out, see it not as a case of annihilation, but as a lesson in how freedom is to be found in letting go.
The consent of the bead of the consular post may be assumed in case of fire or other disaster requiring prompt protective action.
The concrete filled steel tubular columns for supperting furnace showed a outstanding fire-resistant capability in a fire case caused by the leakage of molten glass from one large glass furnace.
The concrete filled steel tubular columns for supperting furnace showed a outstanding fire-resistant capability in a fire case caused by the leakage of molten glass from one large glass furnace.