They're upset because many people aren't shopping in the stores in the center of town.
"I registered Republican when I got married," she says as she walks through Rodney Square in the center of town here.
His most recent installation in Prague is a sculpture of Kafka's head, set behind the Tesco department store in the center of town.
In the center of town were the cafes - huge, dreary halls where the somnolent merchants of Dijon gathered to play CARDS and listen to the music.
When one of these traveling theater projects reaches a town, the participants ring their bells fiercely in the center of town until locals come out and feed them.
Trendy and lively, guests will find this the perfect place to meet friends, family, or business partners in the center of town for meetings or after a long day of shopping.
“I’m living in the center of town, which is not so bad, ” one woman, Yang Weiwei, said from Wenzhou in a telephone interview. “However, some parts of the city are in a mess.”
This original approach serves to densify an existing urban fabric (rather than colonizing peri-urban plots) while arranging social housing sparingly and in the center of town.
Back in the center of town, the Daimyo district has few conspicuous buildings, but its narrow, converging streets shelter some of the city's hottest night spots and most exclusive boutiques.
They say the human and wheeled traffic in a busy city center could provide enough energy to light the streets of an entire town or power the heating system for a hospital or school.
About 700 Jewish people live in fortified, separate neighborhoods in the center of the town.
So he placed a very large stone in the center of the main road into town. Then he hid behind a tree and waited.
The motor scooter chase alone, in which Audrey and Peck are pursued by the police through the center of town, was a miracle of logistics.
In the center of the ancient town, here is the Sifang Street. It is a place for country fair trades.
Ms. Sasaki staffs the help desk in the gymnasium, the urban center of this makeshift town.
NESTLED at the foot of the Pyrenees near the Basque country in southwestern France, the town of Pau is home to Total's global research center and a communication hub linking its global operations.
More than 3,000 worried Esquel residents recently took to the streets in protests aimed at assuring that their neat community of 28,000 beco mes an ecotourism center, not a gold-rush town.
In 2004, Hungary was relocating a Soviet WWII memorial from the center of the city of Zirc, in western Hungary, to the outskirts of town.
It is impossible to give any details of the plan for rebuilding the town center. At this stage it is only in the air.
We chose an easy hiking tour near Weissenkirchen, and started right in the center of the small town.
XXX Plaza is irreplaceable as the commercial center of the new town thanks to its forward-looking business development insight and all-formats flagship businesses in the core area of the new town.
There is not much pollution in the town because cars cannot go into the center of the town.
The Town hall develops new public spaces and fits into the current urban strategy of increased density in the city center.
The Town hall develops new public spaces and fits into the current urban strategy of increased density in the city center.