His rudeness was forgivable in the circumstances.
In the circumstances, Paisley's plans looked highly appropriate.
The young panda is doing well in the circumstances.
Making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.
Take heart. God is in control, and he has His purposes in the circumstances of your life.
But she had no proof of this, and her instinct in the circumstances was to avoid its purlieus.
Printing more money is justifiable in the circumstances, but still a tool offering diminishing returns.
Constantly changing Product design and quality assurance in the circumstances to the extent possible, on time shipments.
Are you entertaining doubts today? Take heart. God is in control, and he has His purposes in the circumstances of your life.
The next is, the apprehension and construction of the injury offered, to be, in the circumstances thereof, full of contempt.
In the circumstances you would have thought the studios would be falling over themselves to find new sources of revenue online.
Perhaps it was unusual in the circumstances, unlucky, unaccountable; but there it was; and this, as she had said, was what made her detest herself.
The Tribunal finds that, in the circumstances of the case, the Buyer has complied with the above-mentioned requirements of the Vienna Convention.
There was a trace of disappointment when he said: "I wanted a world record, I wanted 1:51 or better, but in the circumstances not too bad I guess."
To take responsibility means you admit your accountability and acknowledge your influence and role in the circumstances in which you find yourself.
A photographic image might look like actual reality, but gradations of truth are measured in the circumstances that led up to the moment the picture was taken.
Such orders are discretionary, as with all equitable remedies, so the availability of this remedy will depend on whether it is appropriate in the circumstances of the case.
Where a Respondent submits a counterclaim, or it otherwise appears appropriate in the circumstances, the arbitral tribunal may in its discretion establish separate deposits.
The seller bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4 with the exception of loss or damage in the circumstances described in B5.
In modern power systems, especially in the circumstances of deregulation, the power flow often needs lo he controlled. Therefore the application of the phase-shifting transformer is increasing.
Thus in aeschylus the council of thebes makes what is in the circumstances the vital decision to give eteocles an honorable burial but to throw out the corpse of polynices to be devoured by dogs.
In those circumstances, it's difficult to know whether to approach the child directly or the parent first.
In the absence of work, a society designed with other ends in mind could yield strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure.
Famous explorers of the north American frontier, Lewis and Clark arrived at the mouth of the Columbia River on November 14, 1805, in nearly starved circumstances.
In the right circumstances, they even like to communicate with humans and establish a relationship through play.
This is ambitious in any circumstances, and in a divided and unequal society the two ideals can clash outright.
Whatever may have been the moment and the circumstances of its appearance in the scale of animal life, language could only have been born in one fell swoop.
The more difficult a child's life circumstances, the more important it is for that child to find joy in his or her classroom.
The more difficult a child's life circumstances, the more important it is for that child to find joy in his or her classroom.