Excuse me, I'm supposed to be having my physics class in the science building, but no one's in the classroom.
It builds on the experience gained in the software engineering discipline of building software architectures in UML (think of the classic class diagram.)
The major class is the upfront across the building is new classrooms and the institutors invested in.
An operator class is used in conjunction with the access method to specify the operators used for building the index and during query optimization.
First, I'll go through the code involved in building the description of a class with no parameter types defined.
You can do a world class job of building brands and do everything right but when you rapidly expand your global footprint it is hard to maintain what made the brand great in the first place.
After class, all the students in the annex where our class met walked back to the main building.
Class cultural advancement has played important role in the campus structuring campus culture, building harmony safe and sound.
The next step in building the solution is to update the session bean in the EJB project to invoke the Web service provider using the generated Web services client proxy class.
Building the public-immutable-field version of the Address class in Groovy yields a nice clean implementation, shown in Listing 6.
For instance, let's assume that we're building a system to register conference attendees. Our DAO class interface might look like the one shown in Listing 1.
Tsinghua University proposed its objective for building up a world class University, which was initiated in 1999 with the government support.
Today, I was in an unfamiliar building on campus and I needed to use the bathroom before class started.
The ta has announced the creation of a new class licence for in-building telecommunications systems (wireless or non-wireless) to facilitate the installation of intelligent buildings.
The aim is to push forward the teaching and research of body building in college students' PE class and carry out the pattern more efficiently.
In front of the teaching building is a large playground. After class, we are running in the playgroud, and play, there are many trees on the playground.
In building first-class courses of medical science, we utilized IEEE1394 technology for fear the signal would be lost or weakened.
In addition to training a World-class Chinese crew and designing and building a boat capable of winning, China Team will be competing in the inaugural America's Cup World Series.
As deep digging and high filling, settlement calculation of high subgrade has been gradually becoming a key problem in the building of high class highway in mountain areas.
Citizen literature focuses on the fate of the lower class in social transitional period, building up the images of peasants, hand laborers, outsiders, etc.
According to the statistics, in 2003 there are 326 class one road building enterprises and 285 professional roads contract enterprises.
仅以公路施工企业的数量看,据统计,2003年全国共有公路一级企业326家, 公路工程专业承包资质企业285家。
There are great significance for great master in the building of world-class university in our country.
The test results indicate that all the technical indices have met the requirements for high class products specified in the building materials industry standard "Concrete Tiles".
"The main purpose of the design was to modify a typology of residential building in this region, in which lifestyle and social class of the population were considered," said CAAT Studio.
Fire system: The building is in fire danger rating class level, design elements, including fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler system.
Music is most international concerning arts. Introducing world class art masters is one important goal in the run of building talents highland for Shanghai.
Using the knowledge you have learned in the class to design an interesting building structural motif (hint: use various repeating sequences).
Four teachers and the first class of eighty young women lived and studied in the building when the school opened.
In nearby Chandler, a middle-class area, it will be building its stores within reach of the city's richest inhabitants.
In nearby Chandler, a middle-class area, it will be building its stores within reach of the city's richest inhabitants.