Darkness has now descended and the moon and stars shine hazily in the clear sky.
This method may utilize in the clear sky fashion, once the cloudy rainy day, voyager's destiny with difficulty grasped.
This is a quiet summer Morning. the sun has already got high up in the clear sky, but there are still bright dew-drops in the fields.
In fact, the sky is so clear in Vicuna that it is possible to see many stars that can be seen only with advanced instruments in other parts of the world.
No matter it is big or small. I hope the sky will be more bright, the air will more clear, the environment will more beautiful when, Beijing hold Olympic Games in 2008.
In a clear sky from a dark location at the right time, a faint band of light is visible across the sky.
Later they swoop down out of the sky on Egypt, for reasons the movie doesn't make crystal clear, so they also can run in slo-mo from explosions.
In some of the pictures, the tops of the nearby Woolworth Building and other skyscrapers can just be seen above the enormous cloud of debris, gray against a clear blue sky.
The sky is clear, but the track can become covered with snow in a blink of an eye.
In the boundless sky, but his smile abnormal clear, I know, this lifetime will clear smiling face.
April sky, as though always in trouble for something, let the blue gray clouds hanging for too long as the fringe, cover the clear eyes.
Rest on Sunday, the sky was clear, white clouds float over the blue sky, a group of birds fly freely in the sky.
Thee bomb run ended. The bomb bay doors slid shut. Suddenly we were in the clear open sky.
Binoculars help out with the search, although both worlds are actually visible to the unaided eye in a clear sky.
She is like a clear creek that irrigates everyone's heart; she is like the stars in the sky that decorates everyone's life.
Fog gradually back, gathered in the bright green leaves that little dew, shining bright, clear night sky as bright stars, naughty wink.
Man must be like the stars in the sky, always very clear that the light of all hopes and wishes.
It is clear that part of the sky (ie, the upper part) in the right image is considerably darken.
In fact, time is a picture, let me calm down in the autumn, sitting alone in the relaxed and one, long-term perspective, nothing Hongyan, Ningmou deep, the sky was clear.
When the dark clouds gather in the sky, we must wait with patience, as we know that a clear day will soon come back.
This was taken in the alley by my cannon. By the time I got into the alley, the sky was much more clear, almost sunny.
Trees on the earth, is the falling leaves flying movement nourish gratitude; Silk waft of clear sky, is a cloud in the blue sky feeding of gratitude.
Holding-clear glass, not blink at it in the arms of soft leaves along a lonely track, quietly released the same breath, there is no sky from the bold, and only the helplessness of its own precarious.
The dark night sky increasingly Zhan, in the cold branches, branches and clear, as wisps of smoke.
As the saying goes, "the sky was clear" is written in the sky, the beauty of autumn scenery.
The sun was very clear in the sky, and there was a cool breeze from the sea.
The sun was very clear in the sky, and there was a cool breeze from the sea.