I rushed and pulled at the clothes in the closet, hoping the jacket on the bed wasn't for me but my brother.
The peasant replied, "He says that the Devil is hiding outside there in the closet on the porch."
Your wishing-cloak hangs up in the closet, and as for the bird's heart, I will give it to you too.
There was no Halloween bogeyman in the closet for one Brooklyn woman in New York—just a 7-foot-long python in her toilet.
The frog doesn't want to sleep in the closet.
At some stages I had 80 pounds of meat hanging in the closet drying.
I hated the cold spot in the bed and the empty hangers that rattled in the closet.
I told him later, "I don't want the bedroom, but I'm interested in the closet."
Then Miss Watson she took me in the closet and prayed , but nothing come of it.
I went into my bedroom and grabbed what I needed out of the toolbox in the closet.
Michael: Oh, well, I knew it when I was a child, but I've been in the closet all my life.
Tess went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar from its hiding place in the closet.
She found my open backpack in the closet and carefully went through all its pockets and compartments.
Aaron walked around the couch and picked up her bag and put it in the closet, just like everyday.
When choosing your clothes, leave bright colors, crazy patterns, and horizontal stripes in the closet.
Granny quietly touched hands with a small umbrella, a small umbrella and then again back in the closet.
By the next week, I had a gray tabby with snowcapped paws peering at me from the laundry basket in the closet.
The problem may be more severe for men who remain in the closet or those who don't have adequate social support.
While attached to a switch in the closet, Tommy ran the configuration while connected via a Telnet session.
A "skeleton in the closet" is an English idiom that means everyone has a secret, some hidden dream or sorrow.
There was no Halloween bogeyman in the closet for one Brooklyn woman — just a 7-foot-long python in her toilet.
Also, leather jackets are such a hot trend. It would be a shame to have to put them in the closet for 3 months!
Also there were some other discarded toys left in the closet in that room. They appeared to be toys for a little boy.
But after twenty years, you would think he'd learn to pick up his clothes and hang them in the closet to help me keep the house neat.
I’ll still call it blue outside at noon on a sunny spring day in New York, even though itlooks a slightly different color here than in the closet.
在纽约春天有太阳的中午,我仍然称作蓝色。 在衣柜里看起来有一点不同。
I’ll still call it blue outside at noon on a sunny spring day in New York, even though itlooks a slightly different color here than in the closet.
在纽约春天有太阳的中午,我仍然称作蓝色。 在衣柜里看起来有一点不同。