In the conversation she found I wasn't wearing the bracelet she gave me, so she asked why.
Then, during an interval in the conversation, someone takes out their phone to check who knows what.
Be a better listener yourself, and give others opportunities to participate in the conversation by inviting them with questions or requests to share their own experiences or thoughts.
He wasn't at a loss when the Denver Spurs of 1968-74 and coach Rudy Pilous came up in the conversation.
Liars may noticeably fidget, especially during a pause in the conversation.
If the latency increases slightly, there will be a gap in the conversation.
Track users: Put a list of the people actively engaged in the conversation alongside the chat.
Watch others or ask for their advice, and join in the conversation and good times as best you can.
And once you are in the conversation, then you can sell other things like box sets and sign things.
With certain theories, I try to get a cursory knowledge - to understand what's apropos in the conversation.
At a pause in the conversation, I looked down for a moment, over to the other table to check on the little ones.
Instead, it seems as if the speech patterns cue kids' attention to what's important or significant in the conversation.
When you want TBot's translation services to help in a conversation, click the 'Invite' menu in the conversation window.
Enough to get by. With certain theories, I try to get a cursory knowledge - to understand what's apropos in the conversation.
"That shows you've been involved in the conversation, and that he's actually making a good impression on you," Nakamoto says.
And don't be scared of a pause in the conversation; it gives the interviewer time to take notes or form the next question.
This means that you can add files and images without losing your place in the conversation by having to move to a different page.
The large circle is the room that contains the conversation, and the smaller dots are people participating in the conversation.
While the user works on the course information loaded in the form, the course entity waits patiently in the conversation scope.
当用户处理加载到表单中的课程信息时,该课程实体耐心地在conversation 作用域中等待。
Whenever you meet new people, some variant of this question is bound to come up, and probably pretty early on in the conversation too.
The time to read a message and to start formulating a reply has to be a lot longer, even if you are fully engaged in the conversation.
Review sites such as TripAdvisor, Yelp, and Qype allow management responses, and this is a good chance to participate in the conversation.
At this point in the conversation, however, most developers will stop, cock their head to one side, and ask (quite rightfully), "But... why?"
In a couple of interviews, the hiring manager has asked what I'm making now very early in the conversation, which puts me in an awkward position.
To Martin's surprise, the girl, Mary, joined in the conversation, displaying an intelligence he had never encountered in the few women he had met.
In the conversation Mr. Sanchez, who is Cuban-American, repeatedly suggested that he had experienced subtle forms of discrimination in his television career.
Slow down. Let their be pauses in the conversation while you think and respond. There doesn't have to be a banter or speedy exchange of ideas in conversation.
However, when I was fully engaged in the conversation I got a positive response from the women I approached. They can easily smell your level of self confidence!
The guilty person may speak more than natural, adding unnecessary details to convince you... they are not comfortable with silence or pauses in the conversation.
The guilty person may speak more than natural, adding unnecessary details to convince you... they are not comfortable with silence or pauses in the conversation.