We value input and encourage participation from all around us in the creative process.
Having the model participate in the creative process helps during the shoot too, so it's not all silent.
In the creative process, there's always a balance that's needed, so that you don't lose yourself in Being.
Lots of evidences prove that an artist in the creative process is similar to an insane person in many ways.
Once the association cortices are activated, Andreasen is not sure what happens next in the creative process.
In the creative process, I try to express through painting the mood at the time, so I created a "ship" the painting.
This encourages creative association, the mashingtogether of seemingly unrelated concepts — a key step in the creative process.
All ages in the creative process are to learn from the natural nutrients, and finally the formation of their unique personal look.
If you don't think what you're doing is art, think about your most inspired moments in the creative process and think about what word pops up.
Western modeling concepts and methods of integration. Modern Chinese Painting figures in the creative process of image processing encountered new challenges.
It’s also a must-read for anybody who’s interested in the creative process, because it goes into excruciating detail, on a day-to-day basis, on the troubled genesis of an amazing film.
Second, network executives, not creators, often dabble theirs hands in the creative process of the shows in the name of making them appeal to a wider audience, and the results are never pretty.
The creative process has always been accepted as a source of all important work in the arts.
Perhaps if we analyze the creative process carefully, we might get some insight into what it is and how it might work in our lives.
It seems to me that creative writing is a process of recalibration, really, rather than of creativity in the ordinary sense.
These colorful, sharp-edged little punks arrive in a series of pre-perforated sheets for you to construct your own, making you a part of the creative process.
In the process of creative destruction the ladder has been kicked away and for increasing Numbers of people a middle-class existence is no longer even an aspiration.
Thoughtful reasoning, divergent production, pattern detection, learning are all part of the creative process, and are measured in an IQ test.
Creatives think they hate boxes, but it's in boxes that the creative process thrives.
When a group of people is involved in making decisions, you may want to keep a tighter reign on the creative process.
Let's take a step back into why you started the creative process in the first place.
When we do this, we channel a negative habit into a creative process, thus using our energy to change the world around us in a positive way.
Nevertheless, such study is too broad to interpret specifically how and why creative treason is performed along with what its constraints are in the process of translation.
They think that UI design is like graphics design: the mysterious process by which creative, latte-drinking, all-dressed-in-black people with interesting piercings produce cool looking artistic stuff.
They think that UI design is like graphics design: the mysterious process by which creative, latte-drinking, all-dressed-in-black people with interesting piercings produce cool looking artistic stuff.